Sentences with phrase «references someone gave»

How much trust can one have in papers like «this» and all that wealth of references given in them?
They believe that the opinion of friends and relatives are always biased and trust more references given by an applicant's professional associations such as co-workers or teammates.
Trading options can be a great way to manage your risk, and this detailed reference gives you the expert help you need to succeed.
After you know that your references have been checked, phone them, and thank them for their time, as well as the positive reference they gave to a potential employer.
Unlike other guidelines, Oxford style of referencing gives specific requirements for both referencing techniques and citation formats.
Discussing this with reference gives you the opportunity to gain more insight and examples which in turn can be used within your resume.
he same experienced veterinarian responsible for the popular The Well Cat Book, this thoroughly revised and updated reference gives dog owners the skill, confidence, and knowledge they need to raise a healthy pet.
References give hiring managers the chance to talk to previous employers or colleagues, and find out more about your personality.
In regard to the most primitive forms of organization, Whitehead stresses the fact that a society «bends its individual members to function in conformity with its needs, so that symbolic reference gives way to vast systems of inherited symbolisms that result in automatic or reflex action» (S 73).
The historical references give the play extra bite, with more than a little shade of Blair Peach - the protestor killed by a police truncheon - in one of the characters.
Written by the same experienced veterinarian responsible for the popular The Well Cat Book, this thoroughly revised and updated reference gives dog owners the skill, confidence, and knowledge they need to raise a healthy pet.
Titled Wider Than the Sky Redux, 2014 pipe cleaners, fabric, plastic, string, thread, lead weights, wire; dimensions variable Churn Dash, the exhibition borrows its name from a historical quilt motif, an appropriate reference given the artist's affinity for craft materials and assemblages of fabric constructions.
Home Employment Law Negative employee reference given honestly and in good faith does not constitute defamation, Ontario court finds
Negative employee reference given honestly and in good faith does not constitute defamation, Ontario court finds
Check out the bank references given by the licensor - seller; discuss the company's financial strength with the appropriate managers.
It's the same difference between two types of trial testimony: The character reference given by the accused mother being akin to religious persuasion and CSI type hard evidence that places him at the scene, with the victim's blood on his hands and a video of him doing it.
Islam's earnest goal, set forth in the Qur «an (references given herein are from three versions) and Hadith (Islamic written tradition), remains the same: to bring all mankind into submission (that's what «Islam» means) and to kill or enslave all «infidels» (i.e., unbelievers in Allah and Muhammad his prophet — Surah 2:190 - 92; 4:76; 5:33; 9:5,29,41; 47:4, etc.).
(Gallup 1968; Lethmate and Duecker 1923 [references given at close of Rensch's essay]-RRB-.
Nooo, actually religion is more than that dictionary reference gives.
Passing from these writings, which in part chronologically overlap the documentation provided by the New Testament, we turn to the Apologist Justin Martyr, whose incidental references give us the first firm evidence after the Apostolic Fathers as to the nature and function of the ministries of the Church.
Already, that single sentence tells me I'll be following the MC through some kind of interesting initiation process, and of course the movie reference gives me a strong through - line of suspense and action.
Your long Powerpoint display was also very helpful when I missed some of the things you said, and I loved those comic little incidentals in the display such as «tea break» and I was very impressed with the number of cross references you gave straight off the top of your head eg Andy's question about how to get his references filed without having to go through the tedious stuff himself; where to go if you've more money than time, to get a site put up for yourself.
It was a treat for me to play a game in which I can laugh at some of the Spanglish dialogue which is all too common for the first - generation Mexican - American such as myself, as well as seeing a ton of video game references given the Aztec art treatment.
And despite being credited in the game, many of the Sega references give way to Nintendo ones, including some costumes (including Star Fox, of all things).
In the Belly of the Whale plays content against its framing to question both how an artifact references a given historical moment and how different modes and moments of display affect signification.
of the 4AR reference given clearly shows that since 2001 we have stable global temperatures (2001 to 2005, now we know this to be true also for 2006 and 2007); this is an observational situation that was never found before since 1990.
Can you suggest a convenient reference giving some history of the Hitran database and how it came to Harvard?
• To provide a reason for leaving your teaching job • To give a notice of intent to leave so that a replacement can be arranged • To leave a good impression on the employer, making it easy for you to obtain a reference
Her exhibition at Half Gallery in 2016, Spooky Action at a Distance, borrowed its title from quantum physics, an appropriate reference given the uncanny nature of the paintings.
Will your references give you powerful recommendations?
Well Cheesy, if you had bothered to read the reference given in my post, you would know some of the names.
Emissions of CO2 by human activities, including fossil fuel burning, cement production, and gas flaring, amount to about 27 billion tonnes per year (30 billion tons)-LSB-(Marland, et al., 2006)-- The reference gives the amount of released carbon (C), rather than CO2, through 2003.].
Watching the videos here and digging into some of the references gives plenty of answers
The references given to find supplements etc are great the only thing that annoys me in uk is the docs can't just test to find what else is wrong the give you drugs to mask symptoms and they don't work, and we get worse.
That is what a very skeptical and resistant Marlo thinks as she dismisses the idea — until one day, as she is driving her screaming kids around and feeling the pangs of being about to give birth to another, she pulls out the reference they gave her and makes a call.
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