Sentences with phrase «referring hospital»

Work with psychiatric teams to facilitate transfers of patients from referring hospitals and organizations.
Transport of high - risk infants from referring hospitals is coordinated using ground ambulance, helicopter and fixed - wing newborn transport service.
Seventy - two (72) individuals from the referring hospital, UCH and the child's community were observed for three weeks for any feature of the disease.
Antimicrobial resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carriage and infection in specialized geriatric care wards linked to acquisition in the referring hospital
Patients and the referring hospital both can benefit when a general practitioner partners with a veterinary specialist.
Follow up letters will be sent promptly to the referring hospital.
The radiologists provide a written review of radiographs and ultrasounds, which is shared with the referring hospital and allows for a second opinion and recommendations for further care.
We ask that all patients have pre-anesthetic complete blood count and chemistry profile be performed (usually at the referring hospital if possible) and may request further diagnostics such as chest x-rays, urinalysis, heart ultrasound, or EKG in individual cases.
We accept cases from approximately 200 referring hospitals from the surrounding area.
Unless specified by you or a referring hospital, your pet will be scheduled with the first available doctor that fits your schedule.
Obtain necessary paperwork for transfer from referring hospital, demographic information, insurance information and clinical history, verifying all data received.
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