Sentences with phrase «referring others like»

By referring others like your family and friends (or in my case, readers) to this savings plan, you'll receive $ 25 for every referral and they will too, if they provide your reference code.

Not exact matches

I think your assertions around the key variables that impact workforce productivity are spot on.One of the other variables I would like to contribute is in relation to the employees themselves, as you also talk about employee engagement when referring to staff morale.
You see, although bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are commonly referred to as a form of digital currency, in the eyes of the IRS, cryptocurrencies are capital assets, like stocks or commodities, and are therefore subject to capital gains taxes.
Even when a client gets referred to you, if she doesn't like what other people say about you online she'll tend to keep looking, so it's critical for a local business to manage and proactively build its online reputation.
Direct or multilevel selling — both methods use customers to sell to other customers; the latter term refers to a method in which sellers get commissions not only from their own sales but also from sales made by other sellers they recruit — has long been used successfully by the likes of Avon, Tupperware, and the Pampered Chef.
Their sustainable vision for what great leadership looks like is founded on Robert Greenleaf's idea of Servant Leadership, now referred by others as the «Zingerman's model.»'s proposition holds that free agents (or «gurus,» as the company likes to refer to them), who lack the community and other trappings afforded workers in traditional office settings, will glom on to a site where they can create an alternative to the watercooler.
I've discovered that most people enjoy helping others and are willing to refer their friends to people they like.
He also referred to his latest scalability project, Plasma, which will be developed alongside other scaling solutions like sharding and ZKSnarks.
Like many other sources of useful information for webmasters, such as the referring organic keywords in analytics, Google is removing a public service but continuing to make it available for advertisers.
Moreover, some programs like Ninja will allow freelancers to refer PayTabs to other businesses and earn an income through the referrals.
The relationship between the war in Afghanistan and diffuse but real security interests once referred to as the «War on Terror» is unstated, but the tacit belief seems to be that success in Afghanistan will ameliorate problems in other places, mostly by denying terrorists a safe haven like Amsterdam or Fort Hood.
For example, I refer to the Judeo - Christian god as a sky fairy (although I think I like sky wizard better — it has the whole magic old man connotation to it) but I don't for example, say you believe in any other god.
You were referring to «people like you» in reference to people who push their viewpoints on others (which is a lot like what you do!).
Emotional immodesty on Facebook might look like this: a young husband and wife having an intimate conversation, dripping in mawkish lingo, referring to each other by their Twitter names while on the public Facebook news feed.
Now, as many of them argue for forcing others to do what they want, like forcing doctors to refer women to abortionists or even participate in abortions themselves, the traditional goal «has been thrown over in favor of a crusade to establish what might be called... «comprehensive liberalism» as the official pseudo-religion of the state.»
Brown, who has no employees and referred to herself as «almost like a broker,» found other companies to provide the meals.
To express what I'm trying to say it should say something like «Most of these people I've mentioned who call themselves Christians», referring to Christians who curse businessmen, direct unloving behavior toward LGBTQs and the other bad behaviors I mention.
But does this string of letters refer to an actual group of people like the terms African - American, Native Alaskan, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic and others do?
Gravity from space (Einstein's relativity) operates on mass through space and matter interaction is a natural process like centrifugal force which made its appearance when a body is morning in circle Jean mass is the amount of matter that must be present before gravity becomes effective or felt, once this minimum amount of matter is reached or exceeded, gravity with mass interact with space - time to bring geodesics and gravity begin to control other bodies and then orbit around each other, another aspect of the twin effect of gravity and mass is the necessity to account for energy required to sustain gravitating mass and where does this energy originating from Einstein's field equation says from space but never refer to the origin of gravitation.
It can also stand for ideal things like numbers and even for other variables, which, of course, may refer to things ideal or physical of any sort.
Crap like this is what I and others refer to as abuse.
The building block electronic and protonic actual occasions are, in the case of human beings, swept into vastly more complex, Chinese box - like sets of containing societies within which there are social levels that can be identified with cells, others which answer to Aristotle's levels of tissues and organs, and which finally are presided over by what Whitehead refers to as the regnant nexus, a social thread of complex temporal inheritance which, Whitehead suggests, wanders from part to part of the brain, is the seat of conscious direction of the organism as a whole, and answers to what in Plato and Aristotle is called the soul.
Using terms like «so - called Muslims,» to refer to some outsiders has not endeared Ahmadis to other Muslims.
In Russell Kirk: A Critical Biography of a Conservative Mind, James E. Person, Jr. refers to several different lists of «most important conservatives» that place Kirk with the likes of William F. Buckley, Jr., Milton Friedman, F. A. Hayek, and others.
But what say we all take a moment from biting each others» heads off to cool down and appreciate that we live in a society that lets us say things like this (referring to both the billboard and this discussion) without fear of severe punishment?
I am often speaking to an individual about someone they strongly dislike (even hate), and rather than refer to that other person in any way, either by their actual name or even some derogatory name (that fool, that idiot, that moron), the person I am talking to will simply say something like, «I can't stand to be around that... any longer!»
Many of the central characters of fantasy are country people, like those in Evangeline Walton's Mabinogion tales and other Welsh fantasies, The wizard Ged of Le Gum's Earthsea Trilogy is the son of a bronzesmith on a rustic island and is referred to as «goatherd.»
Instead of referencing people who look, live and act like Jesus, it often merely refers to people who self - identify as having loosely affiliated themselves with the «Christian» religion (in some cases as opposed to no religious affiliation, or as opposed to being affiliated with some other religion).
The idea of other possibilities didn't enter your thought because again you are limited in scope and depth of understanding, the Bible refers to people like this as children.
Biblical writers understand themselves to refer to One who is like human beings and other creatures in being an individual agent, in short, an entity or a being.
In his letter of December 10, 1934 Brightman shares Hartshorne's worry, «that other selves are merely inferred but never given,» and goes on to present his own empiricist colors «I'd like to be able to make sense out of the idea of a literal participation in other selves... whenever I try, I find myself landed in contradiction, in epistemological chaos, and in unfaithfulness to experience...» Brightman's argument is that any «intuition» (for him a synonym for «experience»), «is exclusively a member of me,» but the object of that intuition is «always problematic and distinct from the conscious experience which refers to it.»
@bforbigbang Maybe Erik was not insulting Americans but was referring to the fact that in other places of the world people are starving and if we want to pretend like there's a god who is watching out for us, we might have to conclude that god has a nationality in order to explain why some people seem to be watched out for while others can just bugger off and die even before they've had a chance to consider religion.
«I was referring to specific branches of Christianity, like Arianism,»... «Other faiths don't reveal the divinity of Jesus»
It is important to remember that all fifty indicators, despite their differences, refer to «secular» activities, that is to say, activities that can be engaged in by persons whether or not they «like» or «know» or «frequently see» each other.
We can not identify him by referring to some formal characteristic like righteousness or love (for everything depends upon the particular concrete meaning of such a term: other «Gods» have been thought of as loving and righteous, not to mention omnipotence, omniscience, and the rest).
To myself (and countless others, no doubt), a grill - out MUST have food with actual barbecue sauce on it, served with baked beans, cornbread, and the like, to be referred to as a «barbecue.»
«Other exotic spices» refers to spices like amchoor which is a dried mango spice, green and black cardimum, onion seeds, mustard seeds, and anardhana which is pomegranate spice.
Deeply intriguing, intensely flavored with characteristics like no other sauce, mole is never the same and has been referred to as «a hundred dishes in a hundred homes.»
I enjoy making fresh fruit pies and my own pastry, however, I would really like to try the pastry you refer to (here and other recipes).
So of course Arsene Wenger has made mistakes, just like every other manager in every football league across the planet and I'm sure he will make plenty more before the end of the season, but I am referring to a couple of specific and avoidable mistakes that I think may come back to haunt the Frenchman when the dust settles on the Premier League next summer.
He referred to other recent failures like Monaco in the last 16 last season and the Premier League opener with West Ham and he gave a theory about why these things keep happening.
I'm not referring to quality of players (like CF or DM) but other issues we have across the park caused by poor managerial decisions that can no longer be blamed on tight purse strings.
I am not referring to religious values but values like being kind to others and saying please and thank you.
It stores away flat and there really is no compromise in cargo space (what pro reviewers seem to positively refer to as a «why not» feature) like other models in this class with 3rd row like the Rav - 4 (most people do not take that option for this vehicle for that reason).
So if they are not always look over, they can go see Rochelle or one of the other lovely lactation consultants like Leilani, then that would be great to refer them to an app where they could just plug it in and find someone within a reasonable driving distance.
Looking back now, I can see many instances in my time as a mother and as a LLL Leader where I wish I had had great classes to refer to like Lactation Link's — for both myself and for others!
If the doctor suspects craniosynostosis or another condition, the child will be referred to a pediatric neurosurgeon or a craniofacial plastic surgeon who may order other tests, like X-rays or a CT scan.
He said the figures showed the British government was «on track in reducing the deficit» and added, referring to the situation in Greece: «On a day like this, in a week like this, for the other side to be saying we abandon our credible deficit reduction plan shows how out of touch they are with what is going on in the world today.»
This concept comes in many forms — it's been referred to recently as optimizing toward other factors like brand loyalty.
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