Sentences with phrase «refers to how»

Cropping strategy refers to how inputs and technology are coordinated with the choice of tillage system and rotation.
Most of the argument using the word «hack» refers to how the access was obtained by whoever stole the original files from the original source computer.
Spatial resolution refers to how finely you can resolve a feature, not to e.g. the grid spacing (1 ° versus 5 ° for example).
He refers to how Charles Pistis, Program Coordinator of the Michigan Sea Grant project, tried to pass off the dodgy data as being an accidental product of the satellite's malfunction sensors taking readings off the top of clouds rather than the surface temperatures.
will directly shift the natural greenhouse effect...» refers to how something (human additions) will shift something else (the natural greenhouse effect).
«Capacity factor» refers to how often a power plant runs and thus how much power it produces relative to its total potential (capacity).
NB When Donald Judd writes about the colour red he refers to how colour changes according to context.
The exhibition title Procession refers to how the artist's paintings reference a dual meaning for how groups of people move through space: either in the spirit of play and feasting like in Carnival, or within a darker place occupied by the Ku Klux Klan and their nighttime rallies that punctuate the darkness with hoods and fire.
Size refers to how big you draw something on your paper.
A food's glycemic index refers to how quickly a food is turn into glucose and released into the blood stream after being consumed.
Protein quality refers to how well the body will use a given protein.
The «style» refers to how the dog engages with the live stock and the methods the herding dog uses to control or move the live stock.
This term refers to how hard a puppy bites.
«Field strength» refers to how strong the magnet is.
Sensitivity refers to how many worms you would have to have present in order for the test to pick it up.
Specific gravity refers to how well the kidneys are concentrating urine.
Metabolism refers to how the body digests and uses food for growth and energy, and this process is largely dependent on a sufficient amount of insulin in the body.
The result obtained, expressed as a ratio, refers to how diluted the dog's serum (blood) must be for antibody to still be detectable.
The value refers to how diluted the dog's serum (blood) must be for antibody to still be detectable.
Bioavailability refers to how easily the nutrients can be absorbed and digested by the body.
Temperament refers to how the dog behaves.
The term «organic» on a label only refers to how the pet food was processed, but does not indicate the quality of the food.
A terms refers to how long a borrower will have a business loan until its paid off.
This includes determining things like the investor's goals, risk tolerance, and level of desired liquidityLiquidity Refers to how easy it is to change an investment or asset into cash, without affecting the price.
Liquidity refers to how quickly you can convert an investment into cash without loss of principal (your initial investment).
Your credit history refers to how you use money.
Insured / insured life Insurability refers to how likely an applicant is to be offered coverage based on current health, medical background, family history and other factors.
Another thing to consider is the term length of your loan — which refers to how long you have to repay your loan.
Liquidity simply refers to how easily you can convert a particular asset into cash if you need to.
Comfort with risk refers to how you feel about market volatility.
The key word in all three is «anticipation,» which refers to how the notes provide immediate, short - term funds that help bridge any financial gaps until the government receives proceeds from bond issues, taxes, or government sponsored revenue - producing projects.
Refers to how easy it is to change an investment or asset into cash, without affecting the price.
+ read full definition and high liquidityLiquidity Refers to how easy it is to change an investment or asset into cash, without affecting the price.
A motorcycle's blue book value refers to how much the vehicle is worth in the private market.
Amortization refers to how the mortgage is paid off.
Annual mortgage insurance premium (MMI): The acronym MMI refers to how this insurance premium is collected via monthly mortgage payments.
Understand that credit utilization refers to how much of your available credit you use on a monthly basis.
SOL also refers to how long a negative item can remain on a credit report.
There are many different variations of hybrid ARMs such as 5/1 or 3/1; the first number refers to the years the loan has a fixed rate and the second number refers to how often the rate changes.
Cut refers to how the diamond's angles and proportions reflect light.
The term «PIN» or «Signature» simply refers to how you will authorize the transaction — by entering a PIN or by providing your signature.
The «initial» and «subsequent» distinction refers to how often the veteran has used their eligibility for VA financing.
That refers to how much of your available credit you're using.
Liquidity refers to how active a market is.
Lack of liquidityLiquidity Refers to how easy it is to change an investment or asset into cash, without affecting the price.
Length of Credit: This refers to how long you've had each of your credit accounts.
Utilization refers to how much of your available credit you're using.
Volatility refers to how regularly and by how much the value of an asset jumps up and down.
Color refers to how much of a yellowish tinge is visible.
> Liquidity — Liquidity refers to how easy it is to convert your ETF shares back to cash if you decide to sell.
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