Sentences with phrase «reflect upon your health»

This is the perfect time for you to reflect upon your health goals and create a plan of action to continue improving your health once the cleanse ends.

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For me, everything reflects upon your family and the health of your family.
Electronic health records (EHRs) must be structured upon standards that reflect best clinical practice and support the way that clinicians work with patients.
And that's based upon data that reflects their health, educational, social and economic factors.
We realize that the positions reflected in this statement raise critical challenges for our health care system and insurance providers, such as that of adverse selection, but we call upon the scientific and religious communities — indeed, on all people of good will — to bring an informed understanding and a generous heart to this debate.
Success in both the conformation ring and in performance events tends to reflect upon both good health and good temperament because both these qualities enhance success in those cases.
The key subject of the course is the Exhibition as Communicative Space and will include: discussions about criticism and analysis of comprehensive phenomenon of how contemporary art, design, architecture, sound and performance, and publications as dominant art forms of visual culture adapt, co-exist, and conflict with market system; the course will reflect upon creative responses to conflict and crisis versus problems of value judgment on today's market - led cultural phenomenon and cultural movement, and the role of curator as a cultural translator and mediator between the two; and exploration of alternatives for ecological health of increasingly globalized art and culture.
Similarly personal is the work of Matthias Herrmann, who presents still lifes created from his recent New York residency that reflect upon topics such as sexuality, sexual health, and body image.
This is a timely moment for everyone who works in or around the health sector — whether in patient care, in policy or politics, in governance, education, workforce, public health or other areas — to reflect upon what they are doing to help ensure a health system that is more culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, whether as patients or employees.
In the article below, a GP working in Aboriginal health, Dr Tim Senior, urges politicians and policy makers, journalists and the media industry to reflect upon how they might work differently.
In the speech, Anderson also reflects upon her long experience of working in Aboriginal health, and the often - vexed history of the relationship between research and Aboriginal communities.
Policy makers, health and other services, media organisations and journalists need to reflect upon their own practices, and do a much better job in responding to the issues surrounding the suicides of Indigenous people, and particularly young people.
On the subject of suicide prevention, this Croakey long - read highlighted the need for policy makers, health and media organisations to reflect upon concerning practices of speculation and generalisation about suicide and self - harm behaviour that further stigmatised suicide, particularly in Indigenous communities.
It is timely, with the 15th World Congress on Public Health underway in Melbourne this week, to reflect upon the historic and ongoing role of health promotion in colonising practices that ar... ReaHealth underway in Melbourne this week, to reflect upon the historic and ongoing role of health promotion in colonising practices that ar... Reahealth promotion in colonising practices that ar... Read more
At a CATSINaM writing retreat in Canberra last week, Janine Mohamed, the CEO of CATSINaM, and Professor Roianne West, Director of the First Peoples Health Unit at Griffith University, reflected upon the enduring importance of Ramsden's work, as per their shared narrative below.
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