Sentences with phrase «reflected upon»

Ms. McCarthy, who is retiring at the end of the school year, also reflected upon the idea that you should strive to leave an organization better than when you joined it.
My research for Daughters of Divorce spanned over five years and comprised over 300 interviews with young women who reflected upon their parents» divorce.
Amid the Wild West leanings of the sport, job security is increasingly a myth, while the cynical exploitation of newer entrants willing to earn free entry to a game without payment is sadly reflected upon.
One thing you all need to understand is the mental strength of a coach is reflected upon the team.
Can you imagine what your life would look like this year if you slowed down and reflected upon your day throughout the day.
All along the route humans made choices as they reflected upon them.
But at least the confusion of identity that all of us are now sharing is being articulated, reflected upon, suggesting new ways of being bound together as the people of God.
It has seldom critically reflected upon the social forces that shape its practices and concepts of personhood.
Balmer then reflected upon the surpassing sadness of this man approaching 70 whose echoing of the camp meeting rhetoric of «blessed assurance» made it seem so superficial in the shade of his fears that he yet was not certain of his eventual standing before God.
Each day I reflected upon the prayer:
Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the Christ: he claimed to be God incarnate and the Church has reflected upon and refined its understanding of Jesus» identity and teaches that the one person of Jesus is true God and true man.
In consequence, the extent to which political decisions and actions raise theological questions and vice versa is never clearly confronted and reflected upon and clarified.
-- The theory of true and false propositions — Epicurus — tends only to confuse the issue here, since essence and not being is reflected upon, and in this way no help is given with respect to the characterization of the future.)
In the case of the relation to socialism of Christian social ethics and Christian church bodies, however, it is probably true that history should be remembered and reflected upon, precisely because the impulses that moved it are not just in the past but very much present still.
The question modern readers have to answer is whether the Greco - Roman household codes reflected upon in Ephesians, Colossians, and 1 Peter are in and of themselves holy and divinely instituted, or if their appearance in Scripture represents the early church's attempt to blend Christianity and culture in such a way that it would preserve the dignity of adherents while honoring prevailing social and legal norms of the day.
I have often reflected upon the question whether a tragic hero, be the culmination of his tragedy a suffering or an action, ought to have a last rejoinder.
But this is not surprising since the fact of revelation was so foundational to Christian faith that it did not need to be reflected upon in the deliberate fashion that apologetics requires.
Faith is a response to experience of God which is expressed in doxological sentences (formulas, prayers, hymns) before being reflected upon theologically.
However, these common experiences, provided they are meaningful in nature and are reflected upon with insight and judgment, are for the inductive method essential to the preaching experience.
An attempt to understand religion in Whiteheadian terms along with how his own philosophy can account for types of religious experience not reflected upon by Whitehead himself.
In the past few couple of years, I've often reflected upon how much of my personality is now like my dad's.
We may pause to ponder, that while these royal morons disported themselves in beastly passion in Antioch and Alexandria, a petty hill town of their domains, age - old Jerusalem, followed its Temple services that went their quiet way, day after day, year in and year out; and there, groups of thoughtful men reflected upon the nature of human life, reasoning that «The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,» that «The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul,» or fervently ejaculated, «Oh, how I love thy law!
Hans Frei, a historian who reflected upon the history of biblical interpretation, was a theologian who called us to faith in Jesus Christ as presented in the texts, not behind the texts.
These decisions are not usually fully conscious, carefully reflected upon choices.
American Nationalism «chris» should not be entangled upon Bible inserrectioned and / or publicied occupancies for Nationalized Laws should not be reflected upon any of «Gospel - talities» whatsoever.
Through the psychologizing of the moment its total content is reflected upon and reduced to a process or experience of the soul.
Hence, for Hartshorne, the past remains vague not only as given, but as Given (i.e., reflected upon, analyzed, and known to the extent humans are capable), whereas for Brightman, the past may be vague as given, but not as Given.
I then reflected upon the distinctive characteristics of the religious classic and, more specifically, the Christian classic: the person and event of Jesus Christ.
What «praxis of liberation» is to be recommended and reflected upon in these circumstances?
They were meant to be gentle, lasting and something people stop, read and reflected upon.
It is order entering upon novelty; so that the massiveness of order does not degenerate into mere repetition; and so that the novelty is always reflected upon a background of system.
Later, as I reflected upon the incident, I pondered whether it might be possible to have a more satisfactory confrontation with these good people who feel called to push doorbells.
Among other things, he gets in the habit of saying much that he has not properly reflected upon.
But my basic convictions about them were derived not from these philosophers but partly from my being surrounded from birth with the reality in question; partly from Emerson's essays and the works of James and Royce; partly from the poems of Shelley and Wordsworth (which similarly influenced Whitehead); and most of all from my own experience, reflected upon especially during my two years in the army medical corps, when I had considerable leisure to think about life and death and other fundamental questions.
During my teenage years I read and reflected upon the Dr. King's above quote.
When consciousness becomes its own intentional object, that which is reflected upon and that which is doing the reflecting are not one and the same; the consciousness which is reflected upon is always in the past — often the very immediate past, yet always a consciousness which has been.
As I reflected upon my experiences, I realized that Rabbi Soloveitchik offered something to both medical schools.
Similarly, the primal purposiveness that pervades experience is rarely objectified or reflected upon within the experience.
In 1996 he reflected upon the purpose of the above Secretariat in Culture and Faith, «Science affects our twentieth century culture in many ways.
Such human «mindfulness» should be reflected upon in order to understand what the success of science means, and, as a result, in discerning an absolute Mind to be worshipped.
I agree if he understands eternal truths in the sense that there are confessions of truth eschatologically valid once for all time, never out of fashion but always worthy to be remembered, confessed, and more deeply reflected upon by the people of God in order to discover always anew their eternal newness (as Pope Francis says in Evangelii Gaudium, 11).
Was Hume, some wonder, too quick, spurred on by genius and ambition but failing to register what a slower and more mature mind might have noticed and reflected upon?
As I commented earlier these buys reflected upon the general theme of people and their demographic shift.
Making your employees feel valued will also reflect upon your company's image.
For me, everything reflects upon your family and the health of your family.
«Most people don't discuss miscarriages because you worry your problems will distance you or reflect upon you — as if you're defective or did something to cause this,» he wrote.
«1 Second Everyday makes it easy to look back on any given year of your life and relive it in a way that's instantly absorbable and easy to reflect upon,» says creator Cesar Kuriyama.
In honor of President's Day, I thought it befitting to reflect upon some of the most significant quotes from those who have led this country since its inception.
So in reflecting upon our most recent accolade I thought I would share how we use awards in the day - to - day marketing of our business.
You'll do well to reflect upon this, considering the different possibilities.
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