Sentences with phrase «reform of both»

However, political activities, such as lobbying for reform of laws or policies, are permitted up to a 10 percent ceiling.
Indeed the all - party parliamentary group on reform of parliamentary procedure, which I chair, is considering setting up a website for just this purpose.
Finally comes the stage of reform of actual practice.
These bears do some great up - to - date research into corporate reform of public schools around the country, and they aren't happy about what they usually find.
The time is right, now, to seriously consider the fundamental reform of school inspection.
Conservatives won't pursue major reforms of our hospitals.
He was easily interested in reforms of all types, and was not bound to conventional methods.
The commission's four major recommendations did not call for sweeping reform of the education system itself, but they demanded higher standards of performance.
Tax reform is an end in itself, but it can also be the foundation for future comprehensive reform of the entire federal investment in children.
The recent reform of the labour market is probably not as deep as it should have been and has yet led to a general strike, taking place as this article is being written.
The deal would have to include reform of the way the unions fund Labour - a big ask, admittedly - but all involved believe one is possible.
Experts have been calling for wholesale reform of this field; it is common for them to assert that special education costs too much because it covers too many young people.
It proposes reform of party funding and, by the way, thinks changing the voting system wouldn't be such a bad idea.
He has written extensively on the politics and reform of American education.
This represents the most significant reform of food safety law in 70 years.
Looks like the next opening for real reform of the police and fire arbitration law will come in 2019 — first year of the next gubernatorial term.
In short, discussion of free attorneys for pro se litigants, which in itself is a contradiction, should begin with reform of existing laws.
Future threats, procurement, size and shape of the armed forces, support for veterans and their families and reform of institutions.
For more than a decade, debate over reform of public pensions — including teachers — has been in a rut.
Its eventual passage in the 1992 regular session of the legislature was widely hailed as a progressive reform of government.
He added that over the last two electoral cycles, 2010 to 2015 and 2015 to 2019, the commission had deliberately and purposefully embarked on far - reaching reforms of the electoral system.
I am further convinced that the next phase of education reform must include radical reform of teacher preparation and teaching methods inside the classroom.
In the last generation, there has been no three - year period without reform of curriculum, testing, exams or school funding.
The promised overhaul involves structural reform of the mental health system to focus the system on the needs of the individual.
The supported internships trial is part of the biggest reform of special education needs policy in 30 years.
In practice, the price of market reforms of health care will include somewhat more spending on the the working - poor and those just above.
The proposal is merely a stop - gap, in lieu of broader reform of the city's property tax system, which the mayor has promised but has been slow to act on.
The projects are diverse - from proposals for reform of human rights legislation, to a report on citizen complaints about police conduct, to a manual for lawyers who represent mentally disabled clients.
An assessment of the government's planned reform of the school funding system has focused attention on the problems the changes pose.
There are positive, rather than negative strategies, that can bring about reform of the media.
The great reforms of the past were minority movements that worked by degrees until some sort of critical threshold was passed and reform became inevitable.
In terms of the need for reform of civil litigation costs, nothing has changed.
The challenge of implementing reform of the teaching profession remains considerable.
The tax reform of 1986 eliminated the marriage penalty at the lower income levels.
No government knowingly announces constitutional reforms of which it will be a victim.
The government has pledged to explore options for longer term reform of employment status tests for clarity on employment rights and tax treatment.
The constitutional reforms of 1992 offered a chance to put freedom of religion and speech on the agenda again.
The government are proceeding with wide - ranging reform of the immigration system supported by very strong public opinion.
There were important pieces on the systemic reform of urban K — 12.
It can start with its own reforms of structure and language.
I pray every day for true reform of «our» church.
Yet delaying reform of the nation's housing finance system encourages just such another crisis.
The speech promised reforms of trade unions, to «protect essential public services against strikes».
Consider all of the supposedly dramatic reforms of the last several decades; every single one of them took for granted the district structure.
Finally, to support these commitments and proposed targets, further reform of health financing models and data collection methods is required.
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