Sentences with phrase «refreshing public memory»

Only problem is it did not make its presence felt at regular intervals, thereby refreshing public memory.

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In an age in which most of our key players pay lip service to Awo's ideals as well as the symbolism around his life and service, it is refreshing to find someone in such a critical position as the Governor who not only exemplifies Awo's commitment to public good, but also recognizes the value of symbolic memory».
With a rare, refreshing distillation of formal acumen and social issues, McMillian engages with the layered concepts of landscape — the body's interior and public landscape; the landscape as a physical place and a repository of memories, myths, and obsessions; and the absence of bodies in the history of landscape representation, or what the artist describes as an «abject history of turmoil or the spillage of blood» that is often missing from the pastoral tradition.
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