Sentences with phrase «regard as myths»

What if all of the above «truths» are incorrect — truths that we will some day regard as myths, artifacts of a forgotten era?
Bultmann has asked the question whether salvation history, in its formal aspect at any rate, is to be regarded as myth rather than history, and as myth not only in its outer framework but in its essential core, in the event of Jesus Christ.
He must not in deference to modern man make light of those elements in the kerygma which modern man is likely to regard as myth, for the simple reason that every attempt to preach Christ God is bound to seem myth to him.
He was charged with denying the inspiration of Scripture, denying that Jesus was the revealer of infallible truths, denying the bodily resurrection of Jesus by regarding it as myth, and undermining the authority of the papacy.

Not exact matches

point being: Tolkien was writing myth... because he believed all good story telling pointed to the ultimate Story: the Gospel — which he regarded as the one True Mmyth... because he believed all good story telling pointed to the ultimate Story: the Gospel — which he regarded as the one True MythMyth.
For this inherited outlook which has situated faith and religion in the other - worldly regards the world as «faithless» or religionless, as perfectly neutral and secular, and holds that any imposition of the sacred and religious on the world is a myth, a projection of the mind.
The eschatological vision, which expected God to bring in that radically other and better world, has been reduced to myth; utopian thinking, which expected the new age as the outcome of human effort, has come to be regarded as illusion.
He regards the story of the empty tomb as myth rather than literal history — and a profoundly significant myth.
The first chapter gives a brief overview of the history of psychiatry, beginning in ancient Greece, describing how mental illness has been regarded and treated through the ages; along the way, it debunks the myth that the early Church saw all mental illness as diabolic.
I regard the story of the empty tomb as myth rather than literal history, and profoundly significant as myth.
I regard the story of the empty tomb as a myth rather than literal history, and profoundly significant as a myth.
Bultmann himself is alive to this consequence, for he says at one point: «Anyone who asserts that to speak of an act of God at all is to use mythological language is bound to regard the idea of an act of God in Christ as a myth.
From a logical point of view, however, these two conceptions are not mutually exclusive, especially if Bultmann is right in regarding the true sense of myth as the disclosure of the «self - understanding of man», and the objectivizing imagery with its implied mythical world view the inadequate means for the expression of that sense.
It would be more in accord with the spirit of myth to regard man as just one element in an infinite universe — even the New Testament does so in clear and classical language; it says, not «God so loved mankind», but «God so loved the world».
At one time, most Christians regarded this as factually true, but now most would regard it as a «myth» or a story with a deep truth about the human condition.
In this myth the Paraiyars, firstly, presented as being a helpful community; they are even willing to suffer persecution in the service of protecting a refugee.28 Secondly, this remythologised version of the emergence of the goddess reinforces the notion that the Paraiyars are the recipients of undeserved violence; they are caught within the various subtle conflicts of the caste community and they are affected because of it spilling over onto the Dáevas.29 What is most interesting in this regard is the association of this victimization with symbolic figures of Women.
Now with regard to the atheist billboard, it is not trying to convert anyone — it's urging those that already know the christmas story is a myth to openly recognize it as such.
It is one of the great merits of Reinhold Niebuhr's thought that while he regards the doctrine of «original sin» as a myth which is absurd to reason and necessary to faith, he has given us one of the most astute analyses of the source of sin in human nature which Christian thought has ever achieved.12 His account is this.
Though he preferred to speak of biblical «saga» rather than «myth» in order to distinguish biblical myth from the monist mythologies of other religions and philosophies, he urged that, by either name, the «mythical» aspects of scripture should not be regarded as dispensable for theology.
In that case it must regard itself as able to supersede myth and must «demythologize» everything which requires to be taken seriously.
I still have serious concerns regarding the World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi in 1986, both in its reality and in the media myth, which struck me at the time, and today, as a movement away from the message of Catholicism as a Church called to convert the world and to be the «sign of contradiction» in the world.
The priestly creation myth Genesis 1 - 2:4 a is now commonly regarded as reflecting a later cultural period than the Yahwistic creation myth, Genesis 2:4 b - 3:24, which the ancient compilers of the Pentateuch placed after it.
There is one more myth regarding «biblical womanhood» that we really need to address as part of our series — and that is the myth that a true woman of God is defined by her roles as a wife, mother, and homemaker.
A social instituting imaginary may therefore be regarded as good and / or healthy (as well as free and responsible) just to the extent that it fosters the creation and preservation of myths incorporating «beneficial» insights in its processes of self - creation; that is, ideas that are «right» enough to enable long - term harmonies in its «naturings» and «culturings.»
The whole notion of sin is myth for man as such, not only for modern man, for he regards the whole idea of God as myth and the whole idea of God incarnate in Christ as myth.
In the Ugaritic tests dew was always associated with the restoration of vitality, and consequently played a part in the Baal myth, for the very good reason that in Palestine the night dew assists in keeping vegetation alive during the almost rainless four months of summer.14 Some also regard the reference to Leviathan, «that twisting sea - serpent» and «monster of the deep», in Isaiah 27:1, as an echo of a Phoenician tradition concerning a demonic monster who guarded the gate of the underworld.
But we know that in antiquity there were many who regarded the Christian gospel, with or without myth, as both meaningless and untrue.
Former Manchester United star Paddy Crerand has moved to shoot down what he regards as the biggest myth about Cristiano Ronaldo
In his book, The Cholesterol Myths: Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease, Swedish physician Uffe Ravnskov asserts that as of 1998, 27 studies on diet and heart disease had been published regarding 34 groups of patients; in 30 of those groups investigators found no difference in animal fat consumption between those who had heart disease and those who did not.
(25) Uffe Ravnskov MD PhD, who can easily be regarded as the «Duesberg» of the Lipid Hypothesis, is spokesman for Thincs, The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics, and author of «The Cholesterol Myths, Exposing the Fallacy That Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease».
«The amount of myths, poems and legends about love around the globe is astronomical,» says Fisher, «and until very recently people still regarded romantic love as part of the supernatural.»
One is as the modern - day Jack, an archaeologist and journalist seeking more information about a myth regarding an ancient emperor and the notion that he commanded an ability to levitate.
White cats and good luck In many myths and fables, black cats are regarded as harbingers of bad luck.
In this regard, curiously, was a point made in an article titled «The Whitney Biennial for Angry Women,» which criticized the biennial for including Dawoud Bey's portrait of Barack Obama as a sign of a presumably despised «liberal democracy» and «open code for the newest American myth: the multicultural, progressive future.»
He regarded this as connecting the modern child to the structures of ancient myth: «every childhood binds the accomplishments of technology to the old world of symbol».
In 2013, Glynn performed The Myth of Singularity (After Rodin), in which she explored, along with a group of sculptors, the process of replication, recombination and shifts in material and scale often used by Rodin in producing works later regarded as singular acts of brilliance.
In today's contemporary context, the brushstroke is understood as making critical reference to the myth of the artist in an effort to question firmly anchored perspectives regarding authorship and artistic authenticity.
The artist regards the expulsion from paradise as one of the central myths that informs our impulse to seek utopia — an impulse that often leads to disaster.
As with the LIA, numerous myths can still be found in the literature with regard to the details of this climate period.
It has taken decades to transition away from the former two myths - we can not afford to allow the contrarian obfuscation regarding the consequences of climate change to be as efffective in delaying action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The advertising statements regarding the science of climate change also echo Conservative positions on specific scientific issues, as seen in each of the «myths» described, and declared to be false, in the second FoS ad:
There have been attempts in the scientific literature to correct some misconceptions, such as a myth regarding an alleged recent «slow - down» in global warming, a so - called hiatus.
The world is replete with examples of accepted mythology and a chance conversation I had a year or so ago has led me to do a little informal research into what I now am starting to regard as «the Google myth».
While some regard the ascent of in - house departments as a bellwether of disruption, partners and senior corporate counsel — whatever their differences — are both lawyers and were indoctrinated with the aforementioned legal myths.
Consider, too, our website's acclaimed Frequently Asked Questions and Myths resources, where we answer other questions, and debunk commonly held misunderstandings − regarding Colorado divorce laws, court procedures and alternative dispute resolution alternatives, such as family mediation.
Also consider our website's acclaimed Frequently Asked Questions and Myths resources, where we answer other questions, and debunk commonly held misunderstandings − regarding Colorado divorce laws, court procedures and alternative dispute resolution alternatives, such as family mediation.
As part of the State and National Ice Action Strategy SDERA is also developing website content that aims to inform, advise, build awareness and debunk myths and misconceptions regarding alcohol and others drugs.
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