Sentences with phrase «regard as the scholar»

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Indeed, many leadership scholars regard that as the key difference between the science of managing and the art of leading.
«With a record of service that has spanned more than 30 years as a public servant, as an adviser, as a scholar, Ash is rightly regarded as one of our nation's foremost national security leaders,» Obama said.
I'm grateful to be active in a time that future scholars will likely regard as one of the most tumultuous and revolutionary in history.
For analysis contrary to all of this, which regards the coup and the protests backing it as a «second Arab spring,» see this piece by Lebanese - American scholar Walid Phares, one of the few analysts who even more emphatically than Gerecht predicted the first Arab spring.
Biblical interpretation naturally absorbs a lot of ink; but «modern biblical scholars» will be surprised to learn that many of them regard miracle stories as fictions «designed to influence the common folk of an ancient and more simple time»: a view closer to old - fashioned anticlericalism of Thomas Paine's vintage than modern scholarship even of a radical stripe.
Although the book is best regarded more as a presentation of the Supreme Court's religious - freedom work than as a direct study of the questions underlying that work» the work of constitutional scholars, for example, is for the most part only referenced, not engaged» it is, nonetheless, recommended.
Although Christian New Testament scholars regard Jesus as savior (or at least founder of our faith) and Jewish New Testament scholars see him as a beloved ancient compatriot (or at least an honestly misguided visionary), they all participate in the quiet miracle of our times.
When it was first published in German this book was regarded as extremely radical, and many scholars rejected it.
In other words, to use the technical term employed commonly by scholars, they are regarded as «inspired» books.
I've been encouraged to receive positive reviews from biblical scholars like Ben Witherington, Peter Enns, Roger Olson, Daniel Kirk, and Brian LePort, as well as from conservative evangelical women who weren't necessarily expecting to like the book or who may differ from me regarding some gender issues.
Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity agree that Jesus existed, [5][6][7][8] and biblical scholars and cla ssical historians regard theories of his non-existence as effectively refuted.
If, as recent scholars have suggested, the Philistines have been unfairly caricatured in this regard, then the lesson may be that every city is Philistia: every city embodies ugliness, crassness, and materialism — the antitheses of beauty.
However, many scholars regard Oriental religions as detrimental to Christianity and describe them in pejorative sense as being syncretistic, polytheistic and idol worshipping.
As far as German scholars of that era go, though, he was one of the good guys, a member of the Confessing Church who spoke out against the mistreatment of Jews, whatever negative Marcionite opinions he had regarding the relevance of the Old TestamenAs far as German scholars of that era go, though, he was one of the good guys, a member of the Confessing Church who spoke out against the mistreatment of Jews, whatever negative Marcionite opinions he had regarding the relevance of the Old Testamenas German scholars of that era go, though, he was one of the good guys, a member of the Confessing Church who spoke out against the mistreatment of Jews, whatever negative Marcionite opinions he had regarding the relevance of the Old Testament.
Jesus didn't say anything directly about polygamy either, yet NT scholars on all sides have recognized that if Jesus regarded remarriage after divorce as adultery (a form of serial polygamy), on the grounds that it violated the duality of «male and female,» he certainly regarded unions of three or more persons as adultery (concurrent polygamy or polygamy proper).
’14 In popular Jewish thought Elijah came to be regarded as «the ever - present prophet, wandering incognito over the earth, sometimes in the garb of a nomad, to aid in moments of distress and danger, appearing to mystics and scholars to teach them hidden truths, and acting as celestial messenger».15 He was thought to be present at every ceremony of circumcision as the guardian spirit and witness, and on such occasions a special chair was reserved for him.
Many scholars regard the figure of Jonah in this book as a symbolic representation of the people of Israel, and then the period of three days and three nights during which Jonah remained in the belly of the great fish represents the exile in which Israel was swallowed by Bel.
Even after the compilation of the Talmud in the first centuries CE, there have been continuous commentaries by Biblical scholars from then to the present, including some as widely regarded and respected as Rashi.
What the Qur «aan is discussing are those who distorted these texts, this has also been confirmed by many a scholar of those faiths.With regards to jizya (tax), many countries will also punish those who refuse to pay tax, so your argument is nonsensical.All Prophets came with the same message i.e. belief in one God and to be accepted as a Prophet.
Regarded by many scholars as only a reformed Hindu sect, it is considered by its own followers as a separate faith.
One answer is that, while considered by themselves a separate religion, they are not so regarded by many scholars, and as a mere part of Hinduism, their writings are overshadowed by the much more important writings of that mother faith.
Most scholars regard these «predictions» as predictions after the fact.
As regards the manner in which I shall have to administer this lectureship, I am neither a theologian, nor a scholar learned in the history of religions, nor an anthropologist.
Few present - day scholars accept Wellhausen's views as originally presented, but most of those teaching in major universities and seminaries would regard him as on the right track.
No doubt some will regard this series as an unwitting acknowledgment of the desperate state of theology, insofar as it suggests that models of theological importance may lie unnoticed on the drawing boards of unsung adolescent scholars.
With truth the analogy can be carried to extreme terms in saying that some among the scholar - surgeons performed in such a way as to suggest that they regarded their task not as an operation but as an autopsy.
This led scholars to reject the tradition which regarded Moses as the author of the first five books of the Bible.
ISBN 0 -8028-4368-9 page 16 states: «biblical scholars and classical historians regard theories of non-existence of Jesus as effectively refuted»
In addition, «Bob», regarding the possibility that Josphus witnessed the execution of the character «Jesus», there is sufficient skepticism among scholars as to the possible editing of Testimonium Flavianum to render your assertion unfounded.
The Dun Commission of Christian scholars in 1950 in their report on The Christian Conscience and Weapons of Mass Destruction stated that «to accept general war as inevitable is to treat ourselves as helpless objects carried by a fated tide of events rather than as responsible men,» and went on to say, «One reason why fascism and Naziism gained their dread power over great nations was because otherwise decent people bowed before what they regarded as «inevitable» and allowed a «wave of the future» to inundate them.»
It is not in defense of Barthian theology, therefore, or because we believe that «only one religion provides divine revelation and others have nothing of it, «28 or because we regard the Christian religion as unique, 29 that we hold that ours can not be the way which this Indian scholar suggests.
I'm not saying that there is no debate on the events and teachings of the Bible — just that even secular scholars regard a lot of the New Testament as historically accurate.
This view of the universe was successfully challenged and overthrown in the sixteenth century by two Christian scholars, who may be rightly regarded as laying the foundations of the modern science of astronomy.
Your comments regarding your wild and exaggerated belief that God was somehow confused on what he created in «Adam then Eve» as male and female and that the bible can be interpreted in any way you choose reminds me of some scripture that you (being a scholar and former pastor?)
Without significant dissent scholars have long regarded it not only as the oldest extant poem of any considerable length in the Old Testament, but also as the work of, if not an eye - witness, then one who was nevertheless close to the event and intimately informed about it.
After the fall of northern Israel in 722 B.C. there seems to have been an adaptation of «E» to Judean purposes and it was published in a Judean edition.15 Later the two were fused into what scholars regard as «JE.»
By some modern scholars the ancient script is regarded as forgery.
While some have argued that a limited use of force to discourage future chemical weapons use can be legal, most scholars regard the strikes as unlawful.
A growing number of scholars had urged the government to reform the rules, introduced in the late 1970s to prevent population growth spiraling out of control, but now regarded as outdated and responsible for shrinking China's labor pool.
Because of what they have found, scholars can no longer regard ancient Central Asia as a wasteland notable primarily as the origin of nomads like Genghis Khan.
As regards the data, the traditions and quality of grammatical description vary among scholars of different linguistic areas.
While serving as Editor in Chief for the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, I participated in numerous animated exchanges with yoga therapists, teachers and researchers from around the world regarding whether or not scholars should engage in «a reductionist approach to the study of yoga» as the author of the critique recommends, or adopt a holistic, ecological framework that honors yoga's complex interplay of philosophies and practices, rather than its constituent parts.
The movie is credited to two directors, Wanda Tuchock and George Nichols Jr., but film scholar Jeremy Arnold believes Tuchock, who also wrote the screenplay, should be regarded as the film's sole auteur: «This one has Wanda's fingerprints all over it.»
As an undergraduate, I took a course with a well - regarded film scholar who used to demand that we pay special attention to the opening and closing sequences of any movie we were trying to analyze.
The rankings will feature 54 university - based edu - scholars who are widely regarded as having some public presence.
Development scholars stress the importance of women's education to a nation's advancement, yet governments and health professionals continue to regard women's problems as private family matters they can ignore.
They refer to their kindergarten students as «scholars» at [Cornerstone Academy Preparatory School](, because they hold their students in such high regard.
Over the past decades, teacher burnout has attracted teacher education scholars worldwide as regards to its causes, effects, and amelioration.
Members act as a committed group of advisors to the staff and administration, regarding issues that affect the scholars and school of CCS.
Mentors coach scholars and families on developing a personalized learning plan, for both academic and non-academic progress, and serve as the main point of contact with the family regarding scholar successes and concerns.
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