Sentences with phrase «regard to truth»

There's nothing like religion to make a person choose without regards to the truth.
According to Howard Gardner (1999: 59) there are problems, for example, around the «content» of spiritual intelligence, its privileged but unsubstantiated claims with regard to truth value, «and the need for it to be partially identified through its effect on other people».
Whilst we may indeed vary in our relationship to matters which are indifferent — what you eat and drink and what you shall wear (which, as Christ teaches Himself, are of no major concern in regards to God's Kingdom)-- we should all share a common bond in regards to the truth conveyed through the living word — that God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself.
I'm intrigued by the gathering that the Lord has led you into and will do my best to be lifting you and this group up in prayers, especially in regards to the truth of the gospel's light breaking through blind eyes and giving knowledge of His Glory in truth (2 Cor 4:4 - 6).
meaning by self choice, with dis regard to truth absolute, a Secular, self centered or an atheist, DONKEY Letter D, means THE, Vowel O means QUANTIFIED, Letter N means established or enshrined.
Tolerance is realizing one has another view in regards to truth and allowing them to continue pursuing it.
Conservative Protestant theology — especially those elements influenced by fundamentalism — is seen as suffering a kind of hubris with regard to truth - claims.
meaning by self choice, with dis regard to truth absolute, a Secular, self centered or an atheist, As a matter of fact, word ANIMAL means nothing else, but a atheist, self centered or denier of truth absolute.
The Type of personality that wants to win no matter what without regard to truth and the caring of those that know the truth and believe the truth, possibly hurting new believers.
Clooney's «Ides of March» is positively Shakespearean with regard to truth, friendship, loyalty and betrayal.
The article is directed to false or misleading statements that are known to be false or stated «recklessly,» that is, without regard to the truth or falsity of the statement.
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