Sentences with phrase «regarding life decisions»

If you believe that a dead first century prophet lives inside of your body and gives you signals regarding life decisions, by every definition, you have an imaginary friend, my friend.

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Regarding Disney's decision to end it movie - output deal with Netflix with 2019 releases, Sarandos said, «We just have to focus on creating content that our members can't live without... Whether or not one of our partners decides to produce for us or compete with us, that's really a choice that they have to make based on their own business.»
EI (also referred to as EQ, Emotional Intelligence Quotient) can help prevent emotions from getting in the way of rational thinking — especially helpful regarding a decision like this, which will greatly affect the course of your life.
Ultimately, you and you alone are responsible for the decisions you make in life, so please contact an independent financial professional for advice regarding your unique personal situation.
Choosing someone to guard your nest egg is not something to take lightly and choosing the right financial advisor could be one of the biggest decisions you make regarding your financial life and retirement.
This year, shareholders will have an opportunity to weigh in on the eventual changes amidst a backdrop of continued multi-billion dollar settlements for allegations of misconduct regarding a litany of issues (including the «London Whale» trading fiasco, evidence of collusion to rig CDS and foreign exchange markets, and continued mortgage - backed security litigation), along with the Fed and FDIC's decision to label the Company's «living will» proposal as «not credible.»
Decisions regarding pension payouts may be mind - numbing --(a) single life, (b) joint life -100 % benefit, (c) joint life — 50 % benefit, (d) lump sum etc., etc..
If you normally claim that the «government» is not to be trusted and should not have a say in our personal lives, but then claim that the «government» should be able to make decisions regarding pregnancy for women, then you must be a «Christian Conservative».
It's a personal choice and a lifestyle decision: either a) I will live for myself with no regard to my true purpose in life or b) I will live in a way that honors the God who chose to create me in His image.
No rational person makes decisions based on such distorted logic in any other area of life, and decisions regarding the textual veracity of the Biblical text should not be an exception to that rule.
Neither the vatican nor the catholic church is allowed to intefere with the lives of citizens of the united states and or any decisions that it makes with regard to healthcare etc.etc.
There is no doubt that some decisions in human life can not wholly be made available to explicit reflection as regards their moral significance.
There are various strategies that can be adopted regarding the use of money, but first you must be willing to accept the fact that all that you have is ultimately God's, that there are alternative uses for your money, that your decision on how to spend $ 100 can literally be a life or death decision for a starving child half a world away.
Regarding NDE's and similar experiences: It's important to not make life - altering decisions or plan anything important based on what you became convinced of while your brain was starved for oxygen.
I would not have you make any decision on insufficient evidence, but the fact remains that life in this regard presses necessities upon us which we can not avoid.
This is the crucial question; it is the question which makes us understand that our day - to - day human life must be lived responsibly and seriously, with due regard for the consequences of our decisions and for what happens as a result of them.
Although they will in their future life be confronted with handicaps, sometimes very severe, their future prospects and their actual experienced quality of life can not be predicted with such certainty at birth that their lives can be regarded as hopeless or meaningless («quality of life judgments» as such being unacceptable in this decision making).
It has insisted on equality between women and men, and on justice for women regarding access to basic needs, the means of sustaining a livelihood and the decision - making processes that organize and regulate the common life.
In short, man is sometimes regarded as a cosmic being, sometimes as an independent «I» for whom decision is a matter of life or death.
In regard to the decision - making process in matters of energy policy, the document calls for «a national commitment to anticipate serious threats posed by certain technologies to the quality of the community of life and to design appropriate energy policy.
Yet even on these terms it should remain possible for an interpretive community to make a conscious decision to hear the Bible as scripture, to believe in the coercive and constraining force of the Bible's own unique literary construction, and to regard itself as trying to live out the demands of a word and a God that stand over it, in continuity with communities of faith within the Bible and in the church's ongoing history of interpretation.
Success in sports early in life can give a girl the confidence she needs to make better decisions later in life regarding friends, boyfriends and career.
Each is valuable for its own unique reasons, but all contain clearly presented evidence - based information that will help you make the best decisions regarding your and your baby's care during this life - changing period of time.
When parents share joint legal custody, they both have a say in major decisions regarding the child's life, such as education, religious upbringing, and medical care.
A family court's award of joint custody will determine where the child will physically live and when, and the court will also make a determination regarding how major decisions regarding his health, education, and religious needs will be made.
It is believed regarding the importance of breastfeeding babies that these children will make better nutritional decisions at later stages of life.
Because scientific advancements such as vaccines had the power to save thousands of children's lives, mothers responded with a willingness to concede that the medical community was perhaps more qualified to make decisions regarding the health and welfare of their children than they themselves were.
Know the facts so you can make informed decisions regarding your baby's first weeks of life.
But you and your husband need to establish from the beginning that you make the decisions regarding your child and your little family, or else your MIL will run over you for the rest of her life.
This fact needs to be continually reiterated to decision makers as otherwise manufacturers of breast milk substitutes will capitalise on HIV infection as a reason for promoting free samples of their formula.10 It is extraordinary that the Wall Street Journal painted the baby food manufacturers as heroes poised to save African children from certain death because of their offer to donate free formula to HIV infected mothers.11 The WHO recommends avoidance of breast feeding by HIV infected mothers only if replacement feeding is feasible, safe, sustainable, and affordable — otherwise exclusive breast feeding is recommended during the first six months of life.12 Non-infected women must be given access to credible information, quality care, and support, in order to empower them to make informed decisions regarding feeding of their infant.13
When parents are capable of working together to make decisions regarding their child, a shared parenting arrangement might provide a way for both parents to remain more involved in their child's life.
The Pataki Commission can only justify this giveaway by totally ignoring research by the State's tax policy experts who, in the Department of Taxation and Finance's recent report on the estate tax, concluded that «Migration studies regarding the impact of taxes such as the estate tax have shown that taxes generally are not a major factor in the decision of where to live or retire.»
«Obviously there are a lot of issues Anthony has to deal with, with regards to his campaign and his life and he should make the best decision for himself,» Liu told CBS 2's Steve Langford.
«Obviously there are a lot of issues Anthony has to deal with, with regards to his campaign and his life and he should make the best decision for himself,» Liu said.
«Existing quality of life studies have studied older types of surgery and radiation that are no longer used, and patients need updated information regarding the impact of modern treatment options so they can make informed decisions about the choices they face today.»
Partly as a legacy of the way the abortion decisions came about in this country and the degree to which abortion is important in American politics, killing and destruction - of - life questions have come to be regarded as the bioethical questions, whether it's euthanasia at the end of life or abortion and embryo destruction at the beginning.
Parents often make important life decisions for their children regarding career and marriage.
While it is premature to speculate on the implications of this work for decision - making regarding child custody, the work is valuable as it suggests that «something as basic as the amount of time that one spends with a parent or one's living arrangements» can shape the quality of child - parent relationships, write Fraley and Heffernan.
A report from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) investigators, published in the journal Brain, is the first to test such an approach in acutely ill patients for whom critical decisions may need to be made regarding the continuation of life - sustaining care.
Now that you are armed with a bit more information regarding some of the trending fad diets, make an informed decision and know that the greatest success comes from what you can incorporate into your life.
You have to live with the decisions you make regarding your body: what you put in it and what you do with it.
Without minimizing the importance of the presidential office itself, remember that state and local elected officials frequently function as the people who make decisions regarding issues that affect our day - to - day lives.
So let us provide you with both the risks and rewards of online dating, so that you are able to make a better decision regarding your love life.
This is the only way you could make an informed decision regarding your dating life.
As your children grow older and begin to understand the need for companionship, they may just soften up with regard to your decision to take a second shot at life.
Picking up an award from the London Film Critics» Circle, Winslet said, «there are directors, producers, and men of power who have for decades been awarded and applauded for their highly regarded work... As women around the world and from all walks of life marched last weekend, once again joining together to speak out against harassment, exploitation, and abuse, I realised that I wouldn't be able to stand here this evening and keep to myself some bitter regrets that I have about poor decisions to work with individuals with whom I wish I had not.»
Species identification provides data to help make decisions regarding the handling to be given to biodiversity and at the same time the educational experience becomes interesting because the interaction of live theory with practice.
Young people are then able to choose and make informed decisions regarding their own lives.
Thanks to a provision in the union contract known as the «School - Level Living Contract,» Rochester educators have the autonomy and flexibility to make decisions regarding how the extended time was utilized.
This story, the third in a series by The Hechinger Report, highlights the difficult decisions our students and their families face when choosing a college because of gaps in their financial aid packages, as well as concerns regarding campus life.
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