Sentences with phrase «regards to sex of»

The only gallery to match the demographic make - up of the national population with regards to sex of artists is the AGNS (for which they should get recognition) and the next closest is The Rooms (for which they should also be recognised).
Jesus did stress purity of marriage, but not in regard to the sexes of the people within it.

Not exact matches

Rather, what it appears to imply is that women who maintain a certain level of comfort and awareness regarding their sexuality and desires are more likely to know when they truly want to have casual sex, as opposed to going along with someone who approaches them just because.
There are a number of hard - to - figure things about the Japanese, and perhaps, building on top of distinctive cultural traits regarding sex and love that go way back, the 21st century Japanese really have become erotically....
In truth, the bishops of Malta, and other bishops around the world who go about exclaiming that it's impossible to obey God regarding sex, are setting in motion two very destructive ideas.
Regarding Roger Scruton's quarrel with Paul Griffiths about the relation of marriage to the state, Lord Stowell's analysis in Dalrymple v Dalrymple seems very apposite: Marriage in its origin is a contract of natural law; it may exist between two individuals of different sexes although....
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
She sees and rejoices in the complementarity of the two sexes, knowing - and teaching - that this is part of God's plan, not to be downplayed or ignored, much less regarded as a nuisance.
Others, regarding this issue as one of justice, would offer an expanded understanding of marriage that opens it civilly and sacramentally to same - sex couples.
The more pluralized the student body becomes in regard to age, previous experience, earlier education, sex, race, social location, and vocational self - understanding, the less workable is a single, prescribed sequence of courses.
After all, if marriage requires actions or relations unique to male — female unions, then to say that marriage is between a man and a woman is akin to a tautology, and we could perhaps regard the question of how we approach same - sex relationships as an altogether different issue.
Two terms could be used (from systematic botany): (a) hermaphrodite (from Lat., hermaphroditus, having the characteristics of both male and female), i.e., an individual biologically with both sex organs (unfortunately, the term is applied also to humans who possess both female and male sex organs); (b) monoclinous (Gk., monos, one + kline, a bed), i.e., a plant having flowers with both stamens and pistils — without regard to their spatial arrangement (such flowers are said to be perfect).
In most of the points that are to be regarded as historical (Denzinger 2123), it is not difficult to see that, as regards creation, the special creation of man, the equality of the sexes, 6 the unity of the human race (from the experience of the unity of the history of redemption), man's original condition (which in Genesis has not the fullness of content which can be recognized only since Christ).
But Aristotle also knew that human beings were the most unruly and dangerous of all animals outside of convention, especially with regard to food and sex.
Furthermore, since sex has to do with the creation of persons, whose individual worth is the basic principle of democracy, the health and vitality of democracy may be directly related to the prevailing state of conscience with regard to sex.
There is a Bible - infused version of this as well, that is less indulgent towards money - hoarding, probably stricter regarding sex, and if truly Biblical, open to eschatological «idealism.»
Sex and relationships education given in accord with the «silence difficult to break» regarding Humanae Vitae, has a number of inevitable characteristics.
Regarding malakoi, Matthew notes that most uses of the word in ancient literature are not related to same - sex behavior but rather to men who were self - indulgent and enslaved to their passions... for women.
The report also regards the availability of «pornographic and degrading content» to children to be damaging, and «the sexualization of young girls» to be a problem: Indeed, the damage is something that it sees it as a role of compulsory school - based sex education to help overcome.
There is no need to shrug and assume that current government - funded schemes of sex education or vague imitations of them are the only way forward: Catholic schools are popular and highly - regarded by the public in general in Britain and in a stand - off between them and officialdom the latter might find it had fewer allies than it imagines.
This left him with three options, as he saw it: the first was to hide his same - sex attraction and marry a woman in spite of his lack of attraction to her, which he felt would be unfair to both himself and the woman in such a relationship; the second was to pursue a relationship with another guy, which he had trouble reconciling with what he'd been taught regarding the Bible's teachings on homosexuality; and the third option was to remain celibate, which left Justin with the prospect of being alone for the rest of his life.
If same - sex marriage is accepted as a constitutional right, the rights of orthodox religious groups regarding their approach to and public judgment of the moral quality of same - sex couples» relationships may lose out, and in numerous ways.
The sixties generation's inordinate self - regard; their demand to be given, without striving for it, all the goodies their society had to offer, including, of course, easy sex; their recourse to the instant and unearned sense of power and comfort supplied by drugs; their refusal to serve their country; their general ingratitude, expressed most of all in their declared intention to lead lives in no respect like those of their forebears — all these were translations of the hubris that, partly unconsciously but entirely influentially, constituted the basic underpinning of their upbringing.
What is unacceptable, what indeed must be regarded as irresponsible and even immoral, is «unsafe» sex; unsafe because it might do serious harm to one's own bodily health or to that of one's «partner».
This question is especially relevant to the debates regarding the reception of the Eucharist by Catholics divorced and remarried, and regarding the proper pastoral care of Catholics in same - sex relationships.
«This case happens to arise in the context of expression regarding same - sex marriage,» the Trump administration officials state.
I have yet to receive a straight answer from Jared or Doug regarding what it means, practically, to preserve the complementarian ideal of male authority in sex?
There is still much to be done on both of these fronts, particularly in regard to the troubling support of Sovereign Grace Ministries by some SBC leaders in spite of the organization's apparent systemic sex abuse cover - up.
Here's another, scarcely less oratorical in character, from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: the title of this document (another wonderful example of Vatican bogus academic language when what is needed is a competent journalist used to writing informative headlines) is «Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons» (2003): The Church's teaching on marriage and on the complementarity of the sexes reiterates a truth that is evident to right reason and recognised as such by all the major cultures of the world.
The first is from a document snappily entitled «Declaration of the Pontifical Council for the Family regarding the Resolution of the European Parliament dated March 16, 2000, making de facto unions, including same sex unions, equal to the family»:....
In this area, as in others, a better approach would be to show the damage artificial contraception causes such as increased immorality, strains on marriage due to impossible demands regarding sexual gratification, increased abortion, legitimisation of homosexuality, sexualization of children, procreation without sex (e.g. IVF) and the moral decline and confusion experienced by protestant churches since they allowed artificial contraception.
It is the policy of the Kraft Heinz Company to afford full Equal Employment Opportunity, and all applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to sex, pregnancy, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, protected veteran status, disability status, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other legally - protected status.
The charter holds that «any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, sex or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement.»
It is a safer form of sex with regards to pregnancy.
It is the policy of Linden Waldorf School to provide equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, status as a covered veteran, sexual orientation, or any other legally protected status, in accordance with federal and state law, and not to discriminate on the basis thereof.
Back to those who would restrict sex education with the express purpose of preventing sexual activity, Bioethicist Arthur Caplan made the following observations in regard «abstinence only» programs:
Yes, my husband gets out of changing a lot of diapers but I am more addressing the issue in regards to single fathers and same sex fathers.
It is the policy of The Fertility Center of Las Vegas to treat all patients and not to discriminate with regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or disability.
If you are uneasy to educate child regarding sex, you can take help of your partner, relative, friend or a pediatrician.
Among the biggest reasons of parents feeling discomfort while talking to their kids regarding sex is an avoidance of sex related issues during family conversations.
This has institutionalised «harm reduction» in the laws of the state, and has also made these services available to categories of people, such as prisoners, sex workers and vagrants, who have been otherwise regarded as immoral, deviant and «counter-revolutionary».
The Education Act of 1993, responding to the Aids epidemic, required sex education to be provided «in such a manner as to encourage young people to have regard to moral considerations and the value of family life» across England and Wales.
Mr. Bellone has vowed to end the county's current policy regarding homeless sex offenders within the first year of his administration but missed his January 1 deadline to close the trailers.
It is ordered that hiring decisions must be made on the basis of merit, without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity and without reprisal for engaging in a prior protected activity; and it is,
[77] He has said he would take a more libertarian stance on the matter in regard to state policy; he follows a «live and let live» approach to the topic of homosexuality, [75] actively opposes discrimination against homosexuals, [74] and encourages a statewide referendum on allowing same - sex marriage in the state, saying that he would honor the result of said referendum.
With regard to the types of groups the birds travelled in, the records confirm that they could be either single - sex or mixed - sex groups.
Discrimination based on sex, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, national origin, age, or sexual orientation is contrary to the view of science as a collegial process which promotes cooperation and collaboration and in which work is judged without regard to the personal or social attributes of individual scientists.
With regards to dyspareunia following childbirth, most of the women (85.7 %) who had resumed sex by 12 months postpartum experienced pain during first vaginal sex after childbirth.
Sex differences are described regarding mass and activity of BAT in adults (Figure 3), which was recently supposed to impact whole - body energy metabolism, insulin resistance, and obesity - related T2DM.
Generally, diverse results exist regarding sex and gender differences, referring to the impact of shift work, work stress, and coping (Table 1).
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