Sentences with phrase «regional states»

He never mentioned the issue during any of his six regional State of the State addresses this week.
This regional cooperation can build on the work already done by individual states in renewable energy development, while developing a new role for regional states at the forefront of clean energy technology innovation.
A case can be made for that, but American alliances and military power help maintain international trade flows and multiple regional state systems.
After 1950 and the incorporation of the Loves Park southern region, it grew exponentially and was a well - known employment hub even in regional states.
Now that NATO is committed to transfer security responsibility to Afghanistan, withdraw its combat forces from there and commit itself to long - term security of the war - torn country, what remains are steps that the alliance, and America as its lead player, need to take to co-opt Pakistan and other regional states in an Afghan - led and Afghan - owned peace process to secure an ethnically - balanced and all - inclusive political structure in Afghanistan.
MMG's Ali Smith and Nobuhito Nishigawara will be featured in Torrance Art Museum's ZOOM, an open - call juried survey of current developments in contemporary artistic practices from regional states.
«The Board of Regents for Higher Education will be asked Thursday to endorse a framework for saving at least $ 41 million annually through the administrative and operational consolidations of institutions that have remained autonomous since the merger in 2011 of the state's 12 community colleges, four regional state universities and the online college, Charter Oak.»
Afghanistan may experience the resumption of a civil war of the sort of 1990s, with regional states supporting their respective sides in a proxy war.
Many retailers agree that the Made in the USA trend is here to stay, but they feel it is going to shift to bring greater focus on regional state - and city - based manufacturers.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo is in New York City and Erie County, delivering the first two of his six scheduled regional State of the State addresses.
The 2003 revisions for including such regional states include a «series of [redacted] options» and a «scenario - driven approach» as well as «attack structure changed to increase execution flexibility.»
Although Rohani argues for constructive interactions with other countries and although he supports applying a softer political tone — as opposed to the combative, controversial and provocative language that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or other hardliners utilize — when dealing with the international community and regional state actors in regards to Syria, Rohani has not called for an overall sweeping shift in Iran's foreign policy.
Cameron's biggest immediate headache will be how to deal with the SNP, since the Tories are now a one - party national government facing a one - party regional state within its own borders.
Mark W. Thomas, regional state parks director, did not return calls seeking comment on Ceretto's job.
At 11 a.m., Cuomo delivers his fifth regional State of the State address, John H. Mulroy Civic Center, Carrier Theater, 411 Montgomery St., Syracuse.
At 3 p.m., Cuomo delivers his second regional State of the State address, University at Buffalo, Center for the Performing Arts, North Campus, Buffalo.
At 1 p.m., Cuomo delivers his Long Island regional State of the State address, (LG Kathy Hochul will attend), Farmingdale State College, Roosevelt Hall Multipurpose Room, Farmingdale.
At 11 a.m., Cuomo delivers his first regional State of the State address, 1 World Trade Center, 64th Floor, 285 Fulton St., Manhattan.
In later regional State of the State addresses, Cuomo proposed allocating $ 2 million to cover the Advanced Placement exam fee for 68,000 low - income students and $ 5.3 million to expand Early College High Schools, which allow students to earn an associate's degree in addition to a high school diploma.
Flanagan also slammed Cuomo's plan to hold several regional State of the State Addresses next week instead of the traditional address to the Legislature.
There, local or regional state transportation workers will re-purpose the panels which can serve as the road surfaces for smaller bridges.
PHEAA was created in 1963 and now employs 3,600 in Harrisburg and four regional states offices.
Renewable energy cooperation will also promote economies of scale and fraternal ties crucial to dealing with the other pressing climate impacts faced by many regional states: growing water scarcity amid shifting weather patterns and, in some, projected sea - level rises on coastal communities and aquifers.
Secondly, they allow the EU to defer to regional states as far as the trials and possible prison sentences of captured piracy suspects are concerned, rather than trying them in European courts and detaining them in European prisons.
Prevalence of institutional delivery and associated factors in Dodota Woreda (district), Oromia regional state, Ethiopia
Michigan, Iowa, Ontario and Pennsylvania, among other regional states and provinces, are actively courting green energy and manufacturing facilities, as well.
Brindisi expressed his dismay in recent days that the governor's series of regional State of the State addresses does not include the Mohawk Valley region.
The statistics office also said that the public sector, which includes the federal government, regional states, municipalities and social funds, posted a record budget surplus of 38.4 billion euros, or 1.2 percent of GDP, in 2017.
Before Gov. Andrew Cuomo took the stage in New York City on Monday to deliver the first of six regional State of the State addresses, Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan in a statement called for the legislative session to focus on job creation, clean water efforts and fighting addiction.
The power vacuum emerging from this rapid decline has heated up competition between the numerous parties in the conflict — regular forces of regional states and great powers, as well as various militias often acting as their proxies — to control former ISIS territories.
So far, neither the USA, Russia, Iraq, nor any regional state have signalled openness towards an independent Kurdistan, except for Israel.
«When you look across the river, you see Canada has more activities,» Cuomo said during his regional state of the state speech last month in Amherst.
The governor, in his regional State of the State address at Farmingdale State College, said the time was right for offshore wind and the LIPA project would be economical and far from view.
While many state lawmakers were not in attendance at Gov. Andrew Cuomo's regional State of the State speeches, one person who is tagged along to all the six speeches was state Republican Party Chair Ed Cox.
Governor Andrew Cuomo wrapped up his regional State of the State addresses in the Capital Region on Wednesday.
While the issue is in his policybook for 2017, the governor never publicly mentioned it during his six regional State of the State addresses he gave this week.
An expansion of industrial hemp farming was one of Governor Cuomo's proposals at his regional State of the State address in Syracuse.
As for another appearance cited — the governor's regional State of the State address at the University at Buffalo North Campus — Azzopardi noted that Cuomo did not speak to reporters at any of his regional speeches.
«There's a synergy between the two of them that will be exponential,» Cuomo said during his regional State of the State address at the University at Buffalo in Amherst.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Governor Andrew Cuomo was at the Syracuse Civic Center Wednesday morning for the fifth stop on his regional State of the State tour.
When word broke that Cuomo would not be conducting a regional State of the State address in the Mohawk Valley, Assemblyman Anthony Brindisi disagreed with his party leader's decision, booked a room at the Utica State Office Building and prepared his own personal remarks on the state of his district to fill the silence.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues his regional State of the State address tour with stops on Long Island and in Westchester County.
State Republican Chairman Ed Cox is promising a protest tour of his own to counter Gov. Andrew Cuomo's regional State of the State addresses.
Delivering the third of his six regional state of the state addresses on Tuesday, Cuomo took his show to the state university at Purchase, touting infrastructure investment and new spending proposals, such as a $ 200 million multi use trail that would run 750 miles.
Picente said he recognizes that he's not alone in feeling slighted by the governor's decision not to stop in the Mohawk Valley for one of his regional State of the State addresses, but notes Cuomo hasn't bothered to make a side trip there since — even as he visits other communities that didn't make the cut for one of his six speeches.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo will be in Onondaga and Albany counties to deliver the final two speeches in his series of six regional State of the State addresses.
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