Sentences with phrase «regions of the brain»

A study published in May found that for adults aged 60 - 88, walking for 30 minutes four days a week for 12 weeks appeared to strengthen connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
But here's what's interesting: this region of the brain is only activated when we see or experience completely new things.
The researchers found strengthened connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
The findings showed that there was a decrease of activity in the region of the brain known as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which is typically associated with thought, deliberation and self - monitoring.
Brain scans of obese patients who had lost 10 % of their body weight revealed that less leptin leads to increased activity in regions of the brain that control our desire to eat.
Research has found that annual performance reviews can diminish activity in certain regions of the brain, cause employee stress levels to soar and restrict creativity.
«We quantify it... looking into regions of the brain to make much more accurate predictions if you will develop Alzheimer's and the likelihood of phases as you age,» Venter said.
The results showed strengthened connectivity in a region of the brain where weakened connections have been linked with memory loss.
You could use a digital device but studies show us that activities using the tactile senses excite the creative regions of the brain, so a notebook and pen is better.
This disease occurs when blood flow to a region of the brain is interrupted by either a clot or bleeding, depriving the body of oxygen and nutrients.
Brain injuries damage regions of the brain and this damage can extend post-injury.
Researchers had indeed found a region of the brain that could be linked to religious experience, but they neither claimed that this region was the cause of all such experiences nor sought to disparage or «reduce» religion or religious experience.
But it is now clear that the right hemisphere plays a significant role in language processing as well, and that language comprehension and production involve many regions of the brain.
By contrast, Lewis Ford maintains that mind - occasions «pervade the entire region of the brain»; yet he insists that they are imperceptible (PIC 132).
It must be as large as those regions of the brain from which it receives data and over which it exerts an influence.
This kind of experience would not be what Cobb's model would lead us to expect at all, for if the fully conscious, regnant occasions totally encompassed the region of the brain, inheriting from every part, how could the content of some of the brain occasions have remained hidden from me?
He would have to argue that the regnant occasion directly inherits from all the regions of the brain in virtue of regionally including all the occasions of the brain, but negatively prehends some of these occasions while positively prehending others.
If the human stream of occasions of dominating awareness is to be influenced by many regions of the brain at once, and is in turn to exercise control over many such regions, it must be directly in touch (both spatially and temporally) with large portions of the brain.
The thrust of the cumulative argument of Cobb's book is that since Whitehead wrote statements that clearly imply that regional inclusion obtains between molecular and electronic occasions, we ought to be receptive to the suggestion that «soul» occasions include the regions of brain occasions and God includes the regions of all temporal occasions, because there is no principle involved in these latter two instances which has not been acknowledged by Whitehead himself in the case of the relations holding between molecular occasions and electronic occasions.
Given this understanding of Whitehead's philosophy, we can conceive of the soul occupying generally the region of the brain, receiving the causal efficacy of every portion of the brain at once, and experiencing its own synthesis of all these influences in its own unified subjective immediacy.
Furthermore, there is no reason to expect the shifts to be of equal magnitude in all regions of the brain.
The brain scans found that both experienced and novice meditators activated a network of attention - related regions of the brain during meditation.
We've pinpointed those regions of the brain that «light up» in moments of prayer and meditation; we've changed the sociability patterns of many animals.
A person deprived of eyes or of the region of the brain where vision is involved must have a subjective experience that differs from the person equipped with these organs.
To correct a couple of Nii's definitions: cerebellum... Nii defined this as «our heart», the actual definition is «The cerebellum (Latin for little brain) is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control.»
How all this information is assimilated by the different regions of the brain is not known at present.
But in infants whose mothers had reported that there was a lot of arguing at home, the fMRI showed flares of activity in regions of the brain associated with emotion, stress reactivity, and self - regulation.
The researchers found two main regions of the brain particularly active in new parents.
More than any other experiences in infancy, these rudimentary interactions trigger the development and strengthening of connections among the regions of the brain that control emotion, cognition, language, and memory.
And then we also were going to do neuroimaging where, in particular, we're using a technique called functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI, which looks at blood flow in the brain and therefore tells us what regions of the brain are involved in a task.
The researchers used functional near - infrared spectroscopy, a technology that measures oxygenation in regions of the brain using light, to assess the babies» brain activity.
They also found that in other regions of the brain associated with emotional regulation, brain activity actually decreased while listening to the criticism.
Empathy and forgiveness activate the same region of the brain, which means the more you hone your empathy skills, the easier it is to forgive and be forgiven.
The sensory data that she now receives is routed through the hippocampal region of the brain where it will be processed at a deeper level of meaning.
In addition, recent findings suggest that certain regions of the brain may be underdeveloped in babies who die from SIDS.
Normal sleep means that all regions of the brain are «asleep.»
One predominant theory proposes that many SIDS victims exhibit abnormalities in regions of the brain that control breathing and arousals during sleep.
Events in our surroundings activate these neuromodular systems and perfuse different regions of the brain, influencing how information is processed.
If it occurs in the motor region of the brain, they become weak on one side of the body.
Like people, rats store maps of the world in the hippocampus regions of their brain.
Stein pointed out that these neurons are in a region of the brain known to be particularly vulnerable to neurodegenerative conditions from Alzheimer's disease to stroke.
In The EMBO Journal, they reported that NAD levels decreased with age in the mouse hippocampus, a vital region of the brain for cognition.
Scientists have gained a better molecular understanding of the region of the brain in individuals with epilepsy which — due to a developmental abnormality, trauma, stroke, or a growing tumor — has stopped responding to control signals, and this results in recurrent seizures.
It won't be the last, as scientists use the approach to understand human brain development and test whether the tiny entities might one day serve as cortical repair kits, replacing regions of the brain that have been injured or failed to develop normally.
Most sensory information from the outside world — including sight, touch and sound — is collected in a region of the brain called the thalamus.
The first PET scan of a person with Cotard's revealed that metabolic activity in the frontal and parietal regions of the brain was so low as to resemble that of someone in a vegetative state (Cortex,
«Study could help explain link between seizures and psychiatric disorders: Cells related to seizures, schizophrenia, and ADHD all found in the same region of the brain
On the other hand, regions of the brain which aren't associated with intelligence — the visual, auditory, and sensory - motor areas — show small variability and adaptability.
While they don't have definite answers, besides having good genes, Kawas said, the answer is probably a combination of being resilient to Alzheimer's Disease and also that they did not develop other dementia - causing conditions, such as microscopic infarctions that occur when blood flow is blocked from certain regions of the brain and hippocampal sclerosis, which causes neuron loss.
Damasio soon discovered other people with damage in the same regions of the brain suffering from the same problem.
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