Sentences with phrase «regular checks»

"Regular checks" refers to performing routine inspections or examinations at specific intervals to ensure something is functioning properly, in good condition, or to identify any potential issues or problems before they become bigger. Full definition
We have also used for regular check ups and for teeth cleaning.
Diabetes is fatal diseases that threaten the health lifelong it is very important to go for regular check up of sugar level in body.
There is no substitute for regular checking of tyre pressure with proper tools.
Worked in accounts payable and performed regular checks on pending orders.
Whether kitten or senior cat, it is your responsibility as a cat owner to ensure that your cat gets regular check ups by a qualified veterinarian.
As well as regular checks from her local vet.
It is important for you to become familiar with your pet's oral cavity, so that you can recognize any significant changes during regular check - ups.
That means scheduling regular check - ups and getting her the shots required to guard against cat illnesses.
Just like humans, pets need regular check ups to make sure that everything is working smoothly.
These appointments will include regular checks of your child's weight as well as their heart rate and blood pressure.
When the midwives arrived, they did regular checks on the well being of the baby and me.
Performed regular checks on the parts of machinery and made required adjustments wherever necessary.
Since cash advance checks work just like regular checks, that means you can use them to pay off your mortgage just as you'd do with a personal check.
All cats with diabetes will require regular checks of their blood and urine glucose levels.
They also recommend regular check - ups to help prevent more serious conditions.
A lot of the time they have not received regular check - ups that include dental cleaning prior to being in our care.
30 % of take home check goes directly to brokerage account and is invested — doesn't even pass through regular checking / savings, all recurring bills paid on second of the month.
Although we provide regular check - ins and on - site reviews, for the most part, we give them autonomy.
In some cases there may be no signs at all so attending regular check - ups with your vet is advised.
Just like humans, pets need to undergo regular check - ups in order to make sure that they are okay.
I would strongly advise that you also reflect on any feedback your boss gave you in your annual review and any other more regular check - ins that you have.
Enjoy freedom like no other with Free Regular Checking.
Many home tests for vitamin D are reliable, but they shouldn't replace regular check - ins with your physician.
Have them run regular checks on classrooms to make sure computers and lights are switched off.
Hold regular check - ins throughout the day to ask: What agreement are we following today?
The vaccines were generally safe, and pets were getting important regular check - ups and improved preventative care.
It is necessary for very young cat to get a really regular check up: once every month in the course of the first four months.
Every vet I've talked to about it doesn't think it's worth it as it does not cover regular check - ups and shots.
Regular checks mean you soon become familiar with what normal looks like and are better able to spot problems early.
Avoid monthly fixed charges and minimum balance requirements with our Free * Regular Checking account.
At an average cost of just over $ 12 a month for regular checking at banks, that's $ 150 in immediate annual savings.
With the assistance of medication and dietary changes, as well as regular check - ups every six months, she is back to enjoying life as usual.
That being said there's no guarantee I won't have any in the future, but that's why I get regular check ups etc..
Your baby's doctor keeps track of her weight gain during regular check - ups.
Traditionally, community medical centers were available for women who were pregnant, healthy and just needing regular check - ups, blood work, and testing.
Our process includes regular check - ins and multiple review stages, so you have full visibility of how things are progressing and how awesome your content will be!
I want to keep my pet healthy by doing regular check ups including dental care.
If you don't ask them, they may not volunteer it, so make regular check - ins part of your practice.
Once you have a mix of investments that meet your needs, keep it on track with regular check - ups and rebalancing.
Just as you had regular checks ups in pregnancy from your doctor or midwife, your baby will also have a similar set of visits.
There are various treatments for this disease at different stages, however after treatment your dog will require regular check - ups.
We strongly recommend regular check - ups for your animal to ensure better health and a longer life.
He should also receive regular check - ups from both your veterinarian and your equine dentist.
What they will do in their daily job routine is perform regular check on the functioning of the instrument and repair it in case some fault is detected.
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