Sentences with phrase «regular daily brushing»

They will need regular daily brushing.
So, now I «de-shed» her, with the «De-Shed Monster» tool, which works really well to get the undercoat that doesn't come out with regular daily brushing.

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We took on a few more regular cleansing practices like infrared saunas, enemas, skin brushing, yoga that focused more on stretching, twisting and breathing, meditating daily and semi-successful attempts to go to sleep earlier.
While good oral hygiene - brushing and flossing twice daily, and regular dental checkups, can help to prevent tooth decay, regular candy and soda consumption increases the likelihood of your child developing tooth decay and gum disease.
Regular teeth - scaling is a must for dogs that don't chew bones or have their teeth brushed daily.
To help prevent shedding, daily brushing is highly recommended, along with the regular use (every six to eight weeks) of a shedding treatment, such as Furminator brand shampoo and conditioner.
It needs daily brushing to remove dead hair and regular stripping.
If they have a coat that is more like a that of a Poodle, it may require daily brushings to eliminate snarls and regular clipping or trimming.
Daily vacuuming is probably the best way to keep hair from getting everywhere, but regular brushing can also help remove excess hair that may have made it into your carpet otherwise.
«People are accustomed to going to regular checkups with their dentists and brushing their teeth on a daily basis, however oftentimes neglect the maintenance of their pet's dental hygiene,» says Dr. John Charos, DVM, President / CEO, Central Veterinary Associates.
It takes considerable care and attention to keep the coat long and flowing, with daily brushing and regular bathing and conditioning.
Regular brushing is required, daily during the shedding seasons.
This breed requires regular yet minimal nail care, as well as a daily brushing of the dog's coat to keep it clean.
They also need regular grooming, so if you can't afford to do that, and can't take the time to brush the dog out daily, don't get one
Daily tooth brushing with a small amount of baking soda and salt, serving the right type of food for your animal, and regular dental checkups can avoid cat dental problems and only increase good cat dental heath, not to mention the cat's happiness.
o If your cat will not let you brush their teeth, the next best thing in physical cleaning is to give them daily tartar treats, or to mix a tartar diet such as Science Diet Oral Care or T / D in with their regular food to help scrape the sides of the teeth more effectively when they eat.
Daily tooth brushings and regular oral care are a wag - worthy way of showing your dog how much you care.
As with all rabbits, daily brushing should become part of the regular routine from a young age (it is also a good opportunity to bond with your rabbit).
Professional grooming is not necessary however regular brushing (daily when shedding) will help keep his coat looking its best and the loose hair in check.
The solution is regular oral exams, teeth cleanings, and daily brushings — yes, it can be done — as well as high - quality food and chew toys.
However, the bichon still needs daily brushing and regular grooming.
In addition to daily brushing, these dogs will need regular grooming (including feather trimming, paw trimming, etc.) that is probably best handled by a professional.
Even daily grooming with a regular brush might not be enough for the worst shedders.
A small dog like the Maltese will need his teeth brushed daily and will benefit from regular examinations and grooming.
• Top notch nutrition was the number one pledge, with 55 % of cat owners and 46 % dog owners pledging a better diet for their pet • Followed by exercise and activity, with a fifth promising more walkies for their dog and one third of cat owners committing to more playtime • Spending quality time together was also ranked as a top priority — from giving more cuddles and ensuring our pets have a warm, comfy bed to daily teeth brushing and providing regular flea treatment
Maltese often retain baby teeth and lose adult teeth early, so regular dental care is a must, including daily brushing and veterinary dental check - ups.
These dogs do not need regular bathing, but a daily brushing is recommended.
Regular dental cleanings and brushing your pet's teeth daily will have a dramatic and positive impact on your pet's mouth.
This should begin at an early age with daily brushing, dental treats, a good diet, and regular oral exams.
Most cats enjoy a regular brushing and will look forward to this as part of a daily routine with you.
Regular brushing, weekly if not daily, is needed to keep shedding to a minimum.
The best preventive regimen is regular brushingdaily for large dogs and every other day for cats and small dogs — and regular bathing and fur checks for fleas and flea specks.
Dogs require several vaccinations, deworming treatments, regular baths, tooth brushings / dentals, daily exercise, dogfood, treats, toys, several places to sleep and lots and lots of love.
Daily brushing will also help owners who suffer from allergies as regular grooming reduces the amount of hair and pet dander in the home.
Long - haired require daily combing and brushings; wire - haired need professional trimming twice a year, and smooth - haired require regular rubdown with a damp cloth.
While most cats are fastidious groomers and rarely require a bath, regular at home grooming, including daily brushing, is still important.
Their long, silky coat needs to be brushed daily, but they do not need to be bathed on a regular basis.
Even the manufacturers of these products suggest that daily brushing is essential for good oral hygiene and that their additives and rinses be used in conjunction with regular vet checkups and at - home brushing.
So be sure to brush or treat your elderly companion's teeth daily and take your pet in for regular dental checkups.
Grooming: Daily brushing and regular clipping are recommended for your Collie.
While the basis of any dog's dental care routine should be daily brushing (or at least fairly regularly), regular dental chews can also play a part.
You will find that regular professional cleanings as well as the simple act of daily brushing will help keep your pet healthier throughout his / her life.
Even though there are an increasing number of owners who are daily brushing their pet's teeth, at the same time Dr. Lewis is curious about why it is that so many pet owners in his practice have never considered brushing their pet's teeth as a regular part of their pet care.
The life span of this breed is 13 to 16 years, and they need daily brushing or regular cutting to keep their coat healthy.
If you choose to use dental care products for your pet, it's important to remember they don't take the place of daily brushing, a raw species - appropriate diet, or regular veterinary oral health exams.
Regular grooming scheduled for pets at the salon and daily brushing at home with this type of brush ensures a healthy coat.»
For owners not brushing daily, a weekly oral inspection by the owner is recommended, in addition to regular examination by your veterinarian.
With daily brushing and regular home exams paired with a well - balanced, healthy diet, your cat can enjoy his or her senior years with teeth intact.
Regular brushing helps remove much of your cat's loose fur, allowing for less hair to be consumed in your cat's daily grooming routine.
As beautiful as they are, kitties with long hair need a lot more maintenance — many of them require daily brushing and regular professional grooming.
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