Sentences with phrase «regular debt expenses»

And no more than 36 % of your gross income can be applied to your mortgage expenses plus your regular debt expenses (car payments, credit cards, other loans, etc.).

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«(But) they're failing to recognize in some cases they're so house poor, they don't have money for their regular expenses and they start using not good credit, like credit cards, to cover the debt
You can use the funds from a reverse mortgage loan to pay off other debts, such as an existing mortgage or you can use the funds for regular expenses.
Consider your family's current income, assets (such as savings, investments, and property), regular expenses and debts (such ascar loans, mortgage, credit cards).
Having a large emergency fund for retirement that you can tap for unexpected expenses can keep you out of debt and protect what income you do have for regular living expenses.
When you are servicing a lot of debt, it might not leave much left over to pay for regular living expenses.
Reduced income / same expenses — A very common source of debt stems from simply not bringing in enough income to pay regular expenses.
It's difficult to service your own debts, help your children to pay off debt, save for retirement, pay for regular expenses and help aging parents all at once.
When you have a lot of bills for loans and credit cards on top of all your regular expenses, the idea of paying off your debt can be overwhelming.
If you're not already making payments on a short - term loan, putting your regular expenses such as groceries and gas on a credit card helps you establish credit without going into debt.
One thing all VA borrowers have in common is they're able to save money each month that other homeowners miss, allowing them to pay down debt, cover regular expenses or pay down their principal, which can shave years and thousands of dollars in interest from their mortgage.
We reduced the amount of money we spent on food, shelter, utilities, transportation, and other regular expenses to the bare minimum; plus, we paid the minimums on all other debts focusing every extra dollar we had on the next debt in our debt snowball list.
The trustee will ask some questions about your regular income, expenses, debts, and your assets.
One of the methods lenders use to determine if you have too much debt is by pouring your regular expenses and income into a formula and coming out with something called a debt - to - income ratio or DTI.
Since then we have paid off using the debt snowball method by throwing our monthly earnings outside of our regular expenses at it.
Consider your family's current income, assets (such as savings, investments, and property), regular expenses and debts (such ascar loans, mortgage, credit cards).
When you add up all of your current debts, your family's regular living expenses and future financial obligations such as college tuition, you might just find that you actually need that million dollar policy.
Having health insurance isn't a guarantee against landing in debt from your health expenses, but medical gap insurance lessens the burden by providing coverage for many things that your regular health insurance plan doesn't cover.
Life insurance benefits can be used for any number of different reasons, such as paying off debts (in turn, reducing the monthly payments), as well as for setting up an ongoing monthly income so they can continue to pay for regular living expenses.
For example, these funds may be used for the payment of the insured's funeral and other final expenses, as well as for the payoff of large debts, and / or for continuing to pay regular, everyday living expenses when the income from the insured goes away.
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