Sentences with phrase «regular email newsletters»

So, by sending regular email newsletters you subtly remind them of who you are, and what you do.
We also facilitate internal communications through regular email newsletters.
Establish yourself as the «go - to» source by sending out regular email newsletters filled with relevant, personalized real estate content your audience will enjoy.
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We also send out regular email newsletters.
Relationships are all about creating connections, and sending a regular email newsletter is a fun way to do just that.
They specialise in resources for eBook publishers, and publish a regular email newsletter, which includes eBook - related tips, news and reviews.
Mainly this has been in the form of mentions in our regular email newsletter that goes out to about 40000 teachers and librarians.
A regular email newsletter, while less «hot» than social media, can help you win more clients and get the clients you already have though your door more often by helping to keep pets» ongoing health needs top of mind among pet owners and building trust and likeability.
Informing clients about your work, recent testimonials, case studies or even sharing blog posts through a regular email newsletter is a great way to keep the communication channels open.
Once you've gathered their information, you can send an email letting them know that you intend to start a regular email newsletter on a weekly, biweekly or monthly basis and ask them to opt - in to receive the emails.
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