Sentences with phrase «regular gatherings»

They do their best to create a fun environment at the office, with regular gatherings and celebrations.
This can be done around special events or regular gatherings in your space, such as accountability groups, workshops, lunch and learns, or regular networking events.
You need to have more regular gatherings to reinforce a sense of community.
The topics arose out of regular gatherings of a group of friends in Carthage, and in his letter Volusian flatters Augustine that he is the only one able to provide answers.
After the training, participants may join the Agent of Change Network, which plans regular gatherings for alumni to provide ongoing inspiration and support.
Normally the opening day of Churchill Downs» Derby meeting is a cozy social gathering where the old regulars gather to gossip about the big race one week ahead.
The QorC regulars gather round for the first part of our E3 2016 review to debate the merits of Microsoft and Sony's showings.
This is why regular gatherings outside the office of women partners and associates can help many women develop the emotional resiliency and toughness necessary to practice law.
Organize and facilitate regular gatherings of individuals engaged on the «front line» of marriage ministry to encourage, equip, resource and connect.
Regular gatherings for existing and interested camper families, alumni, supporters and Kesem student leaders for a day of community building.
During those regular gatherings to discuss individual employee performance and goals, vary the setting, format and agenda for better results.
Have regular gatherings to build esprit de corps.
I do miss the regular gatherings that I experienced when I was a Christian.
Open your home to a regular gathering of friends before your first anniversary.
Even congregations that have resumed their regular gatherings after repairing buildings and regaining power are still missing a major part of church life: some of their members.
Whether you'll be having company over to watch the Oscar's or just a regular gathering of friends, a Middle Eastern themed party is great fun.
But some see their regular gatherings as laying the groundwork for former paratrooper Dan Jarvis to launch a leadership challenge — while not including him directly allowing him to deny direct involvement.
Greater emphasis needs to be given to deterrents and prevention; the regular gathering of forensic intelligence; and collaboration between all the interested parties in sport, medicine, and science, he says.
What: The regular gathering of all Seattle area researchers working on or interested in research related to the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster.
These regular gatherings brought together top brass with all 76 precinct commanders, the police force's key line managers.
IGDA Finland Helsinki is going to create continuous educational seminar events in combination with the regular gatherings.
Solo, this is absolutely one to be missed, while players with siblings, flatmates, partners or regular gatherings might actually find this to be essential.
It was the social spaces and cultural structures constituted around this regular gathering that facilitated the beginnings of our project.
The opportunity for regular gatherings with lawyers you will see on a frequent basis can help you immediately in your practice.
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