Sentences with phrase «regular human beings»

Instead of focusing on the differences, you'll understand lawyers better (and this may come as a shock) if you think about us as regular human beings.
They're paid millions to race the fastest cars in the world so it's sometimes easy to forget that F1 drivers are just regular human beings.
The problem is that the bar is full of zombies that were once regular human beings, but because they were sober, they caught a virus that turned them into zombies.
Just when we thought it was safe to embrace sleep again, and function like regular human beings, a dreaded setback rears it's ugly head and reminds us all who is really the boss.
If you have ever played Prison Architect before, imagine that but with mummies, zombies, killer clowns and vampires instead of guards, and the food delivery trucks as regular human beings.
Jesus is not a regular human being he is god in the flesh, watch what you say because you blasphemed god, he is an example of what we should be
She had us two girls out of wedlock, we never met our Dad, and she tried to teach us never to ever think about men being regular human beings.
But up close here in the weight room, if you ignored who he was and ignored his size, he almost looked like a regular human being.
Not surprisingly, it's the same story when it comes to regular human beings.
So, instead of viewing them on a pedestal, keep in mind that you are every bit as important and awesome as they are, and let that attitude help you interact with them as a regular human being, which is exactly what they want.
«Way to be regular human beings, guys.
That means that despite all the futuristic weaponry and technology she gets her hands on, she's still just a regular human being.
We're not going to dice with death in this 508 - hp car in the middle of Orange County, but we can at least burble around like a regular human being.
You'd swear lawyers were involved in the drafting because no regular human is going to be able to wade in and figure it out in short order.
And make your services affordable to regular human beings.
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