Sentences with phrase «regular needs»

Our dedicated fleet services offer trustworthy, predictable routes for customers with regular needs.
This kind of direction not only focuses on regular needs, but also gives you ideas that may not have worked their way into your consciousness yet.
We also ensure that we are transparent on fees, take an advisory approach rather than working «on the clock», and can offer cost - effective retainer arrangements for those clients who have regular need for guidance and advice.
It's a relationship dynamic that Scorsese can now trace back to his own father and younger brother, Uncle Joe, who was the black sheep of the family and in regular need of being looked after by Scorsese's father.
To financially secure your loved ones by ensuring enough financial coverage to meet regular needs in case of an eventuality
To financially secure your loved ones by ensuring enough financial coverage to meet regular needs in case of an eventuality
agree bro - the big names the prestige — would give us big credentials however we would need coquelin back and gabriel to be brought in as a regular
Even barre regulars need to surrender to their quivering thighs.
Over time you can move your child onto taking more resonsibility for their more regular needs (like clothing, haircuts and so on) and increasing their allowance accordingly (along with their responsibilities).
(total investment next 20 years regular I need 1 k for my daughter)
The life insurance amount from the child plan can be used to meet the immediate and regular needs besides meeting future needs of the child in the event of the untimely demise of the insured parent.
Conduct regular needs and risk assessments to ensure safety policies and procedures are consistent with organizational priorities and best practices.
McClendon says that for now Kendall's outfield time will come when Pittsburgh plays a day game after a night game or when a regular needs a rest.
The body can make enough glutamine for its regular needs, but extreme stress (the kind you would experience after very heavy exercise or an injury), your body may need more glutamine than it can make.
But like an alcoholic that takes a drink after a period of abstinence, give in to sugar again and it's doesn't take long before the regular need for it overwhelms your will power once more.
We would recommend these funds be better used for some long - term benefit rather than entertainment or regular needs.
We believe, it is our responsibility to make a short list for pet parents that meet their dog's regular needs.
What symptoms are serious and need immediate attention, and what can wait until the next day for your regular
For example, One of our regular needs at the shelter, that directly impacts the health and quality of life for our animals, is laundry.
Maybe you've got a regular need to fly from London to Beijing on Air China, but that route doesn't appear on my personal schedule too often.
But far more clients have regular needs that are not so predictable.
This makes for not enough work currently to justify opening department offices in many other jurisdictions, but enough to feel the pinch of the cost of a regular need for fairly expensive counseling from firms with relevant expertise.
It provides an additional safety net to deal with their regular needs.
If you're chronically ill or have a regular need for prescriptions and doctor visits, you understand your need for medical insurance coverage.
Remember these are not cheap, and if exercise is not your daily agenda, then wired earphones might be sufficient to fulfil the regular needs.
Raiden brings nearly instant transactions of ERC20 tokens without the regular need for global blockchain consensus.
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