Sentences with phrase «regular people like someone»

I hope this article shows this concept really works for regular people like us!
Market research companies are hired by bigger corporations and they use regular people like you and I to conduct that research.
Some of these may come from SEGA employees, prominent members of the SEGA community or just regular people like you and I who are tweeting stuff about the company or any of its memorable characters.
Next up, I made an appointment to see my chiropractor and acupuncturist at Altus Sports Institute — an amazing sports medicine facility in Santa Monica that works with top athlete and movie stars — as well as regular people like me.
To Musk, it's obvious that this new space suit not only needs to work well but also needs to look cool, because he needs people — regular people like you and me — to imagine themselves wearing it.
It serves as a benchmark, or point of reference, for interest rates that regular people like you and me end up with when we borrow money.
If Jesus had remained dead, then it would have proven that he was just a regular person like us, and we had been fooled.
My recipe testers, who are regular people like you, made sure that:
The rich and bold flavor felt like I could have easily paid a lot of money for the wine, and that is what I love about California Wine Club, that it makes it affordable for regular people like me to try out good quality wine at a realistic price.
Have you ever worked alongside someone you thought was a regular person like you?
Joel Tyner has been fighting for regular people like you and me.
Regular people like me have lost confidence in Albany.
My recipe testers, who are regular people like you, made sure that:
Are you looking for calculators that make sense to regular people like you and me?
So how are regular people like you or me supposed to compete?
I mean, how can a regular person like you create residual income?
It serves as a benchmark, or point of reference, for interest rates that regular people like you and me end up with when we borrow money.
There is no easier way that regular people like us can make games.
So how are regular people like you or me supposed to compete?
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