Sentences with phrase «regular professional development»

In addition, they are required to engage in regular professional development in the field of resume writing, so that they are up on the attest designs and trends.
Teachers reported more collaboration with colleagues and more - regular professional development activities at their schools.
* Our department offers regular professional development courses for teachers and administrators.
Educators, fueled by regular professional development, continue to find new ways to enhance student engagement with digital learning.
Created a supportive workplace for the staff, including regular professional development, support for more effective, shared leadership and decision making, and regularly expressed appreciation to the staff.
Develop strategies for best utilizing assistant teacher's skills and offer regular professional development.
Principal Miriam Amsel of Tiferes Bnos, a Jewish school in Brooklyn, leads regular professional development sessions with her teachers.
Core reading instruction materials and methods should be evidence - based and accompanied by regular professional development for all teachers to ensure that the core can be implemented with integrity.
As a Certified Gentle Sleep Coach, I receive ongoing advanced training and support through regular professional development classes, as well as through weekly supervision and advanced training.
So while regular professional development can teach adults the nuts and bolts of integrating SEL into the school day, one more step is crucial to a successful program: Ensuring that adults develop their own social - emotional capacities.
Administrators are involved in our Annual Principal Institute as well as regular professional development opportunities.
Jacqueline is also the Director of the Couple and Family Training Centre where she runs regular professional development workshops and seminars for Therapists, Counsellors, Psychologists, Social Workers and Health Industry Workers who are looking to gain skills in this specialist area.
The Cove School facilitators participate in regular professional development activities throughout the calendar year.
The Cove School facilitators participate in regular professional development activities throughout the calendar year.
Her work on the i3 grant has focused on supporting teacher teams in engaging in curriculum writing that changes their traditional classrooms to PBL classrooms and leads regular professional development to build common vocabulary and capacity for change.
Early this year, Rubie - Davies published a study based on an experiment in which she randomly assigned 84 teachers to either the workshops or regular professional development.
Participate in regular professional development.
Our professional tutors are engaged in private one - on - one tutoring sessions, lesson planning, and regular professional development.
Regular professional development and coaching throughout the school year for teachers and leaders to learn how to align curriculum and instruction to the student assessment system, structure ongoing professional development, and create a culture of revision to support student learning.
Between schools, an array routine, organized and led by subject - specific leaders, brought teachers and leaders together for regular professional development.
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