Sentences with phrase «regular replacement»

This might include quarterly oil changes, and regular replacement of parts that are known to wear out at certain times.
The 2.3 L and 2.5 L 4 - cylinder and the 3.0 V6 have a maintenance - free timing chain that does not require regular replacement.
This warranty will pay for replacements or repairs to most parts of the entire new vehicle, excluding parts that need regular replacements like tires and light bulbs.
B vitamins are water soluble, meaning that they need regular replacement since they aren't stored within the body in fat tissue.
Regular replacement keeps the braking system operating at maximum safety and efficiency.
Another drawback to them is that they are cheaper and break down more often and requires regular replacement.
Plastic on the other hand are readily available but might require regular replacement because they tend to deteriorate quickly.
I use paper elements and if in dusty conditions remove regularly (every day if seriously dusty) and clean out with an air hose from the inside out.They are so cheap regular replacement is cost effective
Other running costs, though, shouldn't be too much greater than other members of the A4 range, although expect tyres and brakes to require regular replacement if the heavy S4 is regularly driven hard — and neither will be cheap.
The authors speculate that reasons for the lower losses compared to those of other countries may be due to a high genetic diversity in their honey bees, regular replacement of queen bees by the beekeepers, and because the average size of beekeeping operation is small, meaning that beekeepers can pay close attention to their hives, in particular to the way they control the parasitic varroa mite.
What's more, unlike batteries, the flywheel will not need regular replacement, says Brockbank.
A few of those reasons being that Giroud scored 14 from 21 starts, Walcott ended the season in sizzling form, Alexis can play up front and scores goals anyway, Welbeck is a regular replacement for OG and plays across the line, and Sanogo is back - up to the back - up.
His regular replacement Filipe Luis suffered a broken leg playing for Atletico Madrid last week and is expected to be out for two months.
Exclusive breastfeeding was defined as no regular replacement of breastfeeding meals with supplemental feedings for at least two months compared with nonexclusive breastfeeding, which was partial or no breastfeeding.
The city will review the optimal length of serviceability of vests in order to establish a regular replacement schedule going forward.
The NYPD will also conduct a review of the optimal length of serviceability of vests to establish a regular replacement schedule going forward.
Before de Blasio's question - and - answer session, the P.B.A. released a statement supporting the expense and asking for «a permanent funding source to support a regular replacement program for vests as their warranty dates expire.»
Exclusive breastfeeding was defined as no regular replacement of breastfeeding meals with supplemental feedings for at least two months compared with nonexclusive breastfeeding, which was partial or no breastfeeding.
«We discovered that male zebrafish have a very important set of structures on their pectoral fins that they use for breeding and that these structures secrete a potent molecular inhibitor of a key signaling pathway to aid their cycles of regular replacement,» explains senior author Kenneth Poss of Duke University Medical Center.
Regular replacement of hydraulic lifters will be a perfect solution to this problem.
Regular replacement of elements like your fuel filter and air filter can help to prevent issues like clogging or damage to your engine.
These parts experience wear and tear like any other part of your vehicle, and require regular replacement.
Timing belt or chain: The 2.5 L Skyactiv engine has a timing chain that doesn't need regular replacement.
As with many of the most basic of your regular maintenance procedures, the regular replacement of your Infiniti fuel filter can have a real impact on the overall well - being and longevity of your vehicle.
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