Sentences with phrase «regular tampon»

If you have your period, women can swap out a regular tampon for the Ruby Cup, which is a reusable menstrual cup that can be used for up to 10 years, thereby reducing the number of unsustainable sanitary items making their way to landfill.
These full length yoga pants are designed to hold 1.5 regular tampon's worth and are designed to be worn with or without undies.
So one soaked regular tampon or pad holds 5 ml or 1 teaspoon of blood and a fully soaked super tampon holds 10 ml.
I LOVE my cup and will never go back to regular tampons again.
It is reusable, leak proof (in my experience) and much more comfortable than regular tampons.
If your period lasts longer than seven days and you're losing more than 80 ml of blood per cycle, or you're soaking more than 16 regular tampons or pads per cycle, then this is a sign of a heavier than average flow (menorrhagia).

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Thinx look and feel just like a regular pair of underwear — they come in six styles and three colors — but the anti-microbial, moisture - wicking material can absorb up to two tampons» worth of blood.
If your periods don't become more regular after a few months, or if you've had very heavy periods for more than two or three cycles (meaning you're soaking through a pad or tampon every hour for several hours in a row), let your doctor know.
Call your doctor if your periods don't become regular within a few months after they start back up again after you've stopped breastfeeding, or if your periods are very heavy, going through one pad or tampon every hour for several hours.
Between the bleaching process and pesticide laced cotton cultivation practices, disposable feminine hygiene products like sanitary pads and tampons are likely some of the most toxic personal care items women and girls use on a regular basis.
A half soaked regular pad or tampon equals 2.5 ml and a half soaked super tampon holds 5 ml.
Each soaked regular pad or tampon holds roughly 5 ml of blood, so it's totally fine to soak 2 - 7 pads / tampons during each period.
Many women report a significant improvement in menstrual pain, cramping, chronic candida / yeast infections, cystitis and even endometriosis with regular use of menstrual cups instead of bleached tampons or pads.
Seventh Generation Organic Cotton Tampons with Comfort Applicators are available in regular and super absorbency and can be found at your local Target.
There are always moments when pads / tampons / cups can be uncomfortable, but Dear Kate feels just like regular underwear.
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