Sentences with phrase «regular toothpaste»

"Regular toothpaste" refers to traditional toothpaste that is commonly used for daily oral hygiene. Full definition
Directions: Put dry toothbrush to scoop Bentonite Clay Herbal Toothpowder and start brushing like using regular toothpaste.
I still brush my teeth with regular toothpaste afterwards, just because I like that minty feeling.
Rather, this whitening device promises to be «as gentle as regular toothpaste
Once you start brushing it foams up grayish white... just spit and rinse like regular toothpaste.
Make sure you choose a specially marked children's toothpaste suitable for their age, as it will contain less fluoride than regular toothpaste.
Unlike alcohol - based mouthwashes and regular toothpaste, oil may be able to reach parts of the gum and between the teeth and the naturally antibacterial properties of oils like coconut may help break down bacteria.
If you're looking for a natural alternative to regular toothpaste, try going the DIY route.
If you have sensitive teeth or need a different flavor, mix baking soda with your regular toothpaste or coconut oil or peppermint essential oil to brush.
Hi, I wanted to know, when I use the Turmeric powder to whiten my teeth, do I use the Turmeric paste (turmeric and coconut oil) to replace my regular toothpaste for good?
Two weeks before prom, swap your regular toothpaste for a whitening one that removes surface stains and protects your teeth from further yellowing.
Lately my teeth have been more sensitive and I can't use my regular toothpaste.
When a dog is already showing signs of gum disease such as bleeding, inflamed, swollen or red gums, you should transition to a soothing toothpaste for dogs with gum disease, instead of the regular toothpaste.
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