Sentences with phrase «regulate blood sugar levels while»

The curcumin in turmeric helps control and regulate blood sugar levels while reducing insulin resistance.

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Both pumpkin and persimmon are high in fiber and vitamins, including K, A and C. What's more, this combination offers plenty of health benefits: Pumpkin packs beta carotene (good for the eyes), while persimmons help keep you fuller longer thanks to their high pectin content (beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels and preventing sugar - related crashes).
Obviously, sourdough bread is wonderfully satiating and takes longer to digest, so it can help regulate blood sugar levels and ward off diabetes; while the acetic, propionic and lactic acids produced by the bacteria contribute to improving glucose metabolism even further.
It safeguards your brain health and heart health, while regulating blood sugar levels and speeding up your metabolism (4).
While spinach is packed with iron and chlorophyll, helping to regulate iron blood levels and boost metabolism, chickpeas are known to lower high blood pressure, balance blood sugar levels, and support bone health due to its calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, manganese and zinc content.
Including healthy fats / oils in your diet helps to control appetite and body weight while regulating blood sugar, cholesterol levels and inflammation — fabulous facts we discussed in great detail at last week's Anti-inflammatory Cooking Class.
While simple sugars and low fiber foods can cause blood glucose spikes (which then result in insulin spikes), lima beans tend to cause the blood sugar to rise more slowly, which can help regulate blood glucose levels over time.
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