Sentences with phrase «regulate ketone production»

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When you deprive a sugar - burning human of his / her carbs and replace those calories with fat and protein, your genes get the signal to start up - regulating fat metabolism and ketone production.
This is fine because it means that you are using ketones and fat for energy and your body is regulating their production properly.
In a normal healthy person, this production of ketones is still regulated by insulin.
Research into Time - Restricted Feeding indicates that allotting at least 12 hours a day to fasting boosts the body's repair mechanisms, improves digestive function and motility, provides time for the body to switch to ketone body production (which tends to happen 10 - 12 hours after a meal), improves blood sugar control, regulates appetite, and enhances stress resilience.
During very low carbohydrate intake, the regulated and controlled production of ketone bodies causes a harmless physiological state known as dietary ketosis.
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