Sentences with phrase «regulation of neural networks»

In this way, Marder was able to work out key principles about the regulation of neural networks, including the fact that the same neuromodulator can have differential effects in different parts of the network.

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The short - term dependence on the proximity of a caregiver for physiological regulation, and protection is just finally being recognized scientifically as being extremely important and beneficial (see Barak et al. 2011 Should Neonates Sleep Alone, downloadable from this website) Mosko et al., 1998; McKenna et al 2007), and helps to explain why infants should avoid sleeping alone outside the sensory range by which a caregiver and infant detect each others sensory signals, cues, or stimuli, all of which facilitate and represent interactions that augment neurological connections and provide the foundation for the development of cognition and intellectual development, and the proliferation of neural networks that support these systems.
There is some speculation that babies who die of SIDS have an abnormality in the neural network that controls blood pressure, breathing, and temperature regulation, she explains.
«We realized that studying the lithium response could be used as a «molecular can - opener» to unravel the molecular pathway of this complex disorder, that turns out not to be caused by a defect in a gene, but rather by the posttranslational regulation (phosphorylation) of the product of a gene — in this case, CRMP2, an intracellular protein that regulates neural networks,» added Snyder.
The regulation of social recognition, social communication and aggression: vasopressin in the social behavior neural network.
«Novelty taps into two of the three attention networks — the alerting and orienting neural networks (executive function is the third which deals with regulation).»
Neural networks including the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortices develop under influence of genetic and environmental factors and play an important role in emotional reactivity but also in emotion regulation, attention, and cognitive control [11, 12].
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