Sentences with phrase «regulatory molecules»

«Perhaps we can restore balance by targeting any of a large number of regulatory molecules in the cell.
Study the mechanistic role of noncoding RNA molecules, in particular, circulating microRNAs as regulatory molecules that contribute to the onset and progression of AD.
Some of the killer cells lose CXCR5 upon stimulation, but adding an immune regulatory molecule called TGF - beta can boost the CXCR5 levels.
Researchers believe that this process may be closely connected with simultaneous production of another key regulatory molecule called nitric oxide.
Hayashi then drew on other research showing that one key regulatory molecule (activin A) and a growth factor (basic fibroblast growth factor) could convert cultured early embryonic stem cells into cells akin to epiblasts.
Additionally, the researchers found that another important regulatory molecule, Rab5, played a key role in p75NTR's impact on metabolism.
Ngai, who directs the Functional Genomics Laboratory in UC Berkeley's California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, focuses on the cells and regulatory molecules involved in our sense of smell.
Neurospheres from these patients also showed impairment of the ability to create new vessels, with low concentration of VEGFA, one of the most important angiogenesis regulatory molecules, and increased concentration of TIMP - 1, an antiangiogenic protein.
Reporting in the journal Nature, Stanley G. Nathenson and his colleague Steven C. Almo, at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, [i] and William S. Somers and colleagues at Wyeth Research in Cambridge, MA, [ii] crystallize and solve the 3D structure of the powerful negative T cell regulatory molecule CTLA - 4 in complex with its ligand B - 7.
The role of genetic variations of immune system regulatory molecules CD28 and CTLA - 4 in schizophrenia
Our findings show how the tumor microenvironment drives the acquisition of CD39 as an immune regulatory molecule on CD8 + T cells, with implications for defining a biomarker of T cell dysfunction and a target for immunotherapeutic intervention.
The regulators could be enzymes regulating the activation of autophagy components, transcription factors that regulate expression (the presence) of the proteins, or miRNA, special regulatory molecules that could fine - tune the system.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have discovered the first regulatory molecule that puts the brakes on the proliferation of blood stem cells.
In addition to EMT - regulatory factors, regulatory molecules such as miRNAs can play a role in promoting stem - like and EMT phenotypes in cancer cells.
He has a long - standing interest in exploring the role of microRNAs and other non-coding regulatory molecules in various diseases.
Cinnamon has been shown in studies to reduce levels of cytokines (inflammatory regulatory molecules) in the body.
RNAs contained in this non-coding part act as regulatory molecules and have a large impact on gene expression: where in the body and when during development or adulthood genes are expressed.
Now, scientists have discovered one of the culprits: a set of nine regulatory molecules called microRNAs (miRNAs), The Scientist reports.
He and his colleagues take one immune regulatory molecule, GM - CSF, and stick it onto others, creating a series of potent immune stimulants he calls «fusokines.»
Investigations continue on more selective blocking of the production of prostaglandins, the regulatory molecules that are curtailed by NSAIDs.
One GSC subtype called the mesenchymal GSC is more malignant and the most therapy - resistant, so Nakano and fellow researchers reasoned that identifying the regulatory molecules active in mesenchymal GSCs might lead to novel and effective therapeutics.
Fragments of the plant cell wall have been discovered that serve as regulatory molecules.
A study led by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago points blame at a regulatory molecule in cells called TRIP - Br2 that is produced in response to overeating's stress on the machinery cells use to produce proteins.
The investigators examined whether epigenetic changes — alterations that do not change the basic sequence of the human hereditary substance DNA — in cells of the pancreas have an impact on the production of these regulatory molecules.
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital analysis reveals how the protein p53, which triggers cancer cells to commit suicide, attaches to its regulatory molecule; findings could lead to drugs to unleash p53 to battle a range of cancers.
Researchers have discovered a regulatory molecule that links faulty dopamine signaling in the brain to the neural machinery that breaks down in people who suffer from depression.
To do this, regulatory molecules - transcription factors and non-coding RNAs — simultaneously control hundreds of genes.
According to researches at the University of Illinois, TRIP - Br2, a regulatory molecule found in cells, is produced in response to certain proteins, leading to higher circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines.
In the body, protein is a major player in the immune system, as well as the building block for enzymes, muscle fibers, regulatory molecules and our hair [4].
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