Sentences with phrase «regulatory pathways»

The result was a bird's nest of regulatory pathways.
At GFI, he assists in identifying regulatory pathways for clean meat.
RMMS has a strategic goal to bring these stakeholders together to achieve a number of regenerative medicine manufacturing aims, including the following: (1) Enabling the Development of scale up tools and reagents; (2) Enabling the development of Standards; and (3) Saamless integration of platform technologies with regulatory pathways.
His postdoctoral work focuses on investigating novel molecular regulatory pathways involved in mitigating genotoxic stress using Drosophila melanogaster and human cell culture model and cellular senescence.
Researchers have identified a new regulatory pathway that may play an important role in basal - like breast cancer (BLBC), a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer often referred to as «triple negative.»
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Whitehead Institute researchers have identified a protein complex that, when mutated, sends the master growth regulatory pathway known as mTORC1 into overdrive.
Recent studies indicated that autoimmune diseases like Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) are induced by genetic or environment - induced alterations of immune regulatory pathways whose function is to avoid or limit the activation / expansion of self - reactive T lymphocytes.
Whitehead Institute researchers have identified a protein complex that, when mutated, sends the master growth regulatory pathway known as mTORC1 into overdrive.
They then discovered that patients with celiac disease had unusually low levels of lnc13 in their intestines, suggesting that reduced levels of this RNA may contribute to the inflammation seen in celiac disease by turning off the normal regulatory pathway.
This study is a beautiful example of multidisciplinary team science at partnering academic institutions advancing a life - saving therapeutic from the laboratory, to preclinical studies, deftly though complex regulatory pathway, to the clinic and — with final FDA approval — hopefully into the marketplace.
Implantation of the HA hydrogel alleviates pain through alteration in the glycomic and protein regulatory pathways in the cell; thereby suggesting promise as a potential therapy in the treatment of back pain.
The challenges of finding an alternative to FBS, bringing costs down massively, speeding up cell growth, and finding an appropriate regulatory pathway, have compounded one another.
The US, though, has presented a dramatically different landscape, finding a late regulatory pathway to an approval.
She joins GFI to focus on regulatory pathways for clean meat in Mexico.
The key proteins at work in the nematodes have highly similar counterparts in humans, suggesting that similar regulatory pathways may operate in people.
Exhaustive research has gone into studying the transcriptional network, while before this study post-transcriptional regulatory pathways have been relatively neglected.
By strengthening regulatory pathways, for example by using propionate as a supplement to established drugs, therapies could be further optimised.
In contrast, deletion of previously identified ILC effector cytokines such as IL - 22 and IL - 17 did not elicit an immune response to commensal bacteria, suggesting the ILCs use an unidentified regulatory pathway.
Unlike in other genetic diseases, the mutation does not cripple an enzyme in a biological regulatory pathway.
I have helped to generate various mouse models inducing colitis to identify methods of immune - mediated inflammation and tissue destruction in the gut and to explore regulatory pathways that can prevent disease pathogenesis.
He held a principal scientist position at The Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation and a post-doctoral position at the Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute where he investigated the comparative evolutionary genomics of eukaryotic regulatory pathways.
Inhibition of the self - renewal in CD133 - positive glioblastoma TICs by PPAM was attributed to inhibition of stem cell regulatory pathways [67].
PI3K / AKT / mTOR is considered to be a central regulatory pathway of protein translation involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, growth, differentiation, and survival (11, 26, 30).
This Epigenesys - funded project aims to apply system genetic approaches based on Bayesian networks to model regulatory pathways between genetic variants and molecular phenotypes measured in blood cells.
The scientists» research showed that a master neural regulatory pathway, triggered by a molecular switch called ERK, was turned on during the room - selection process.
Phytochemical cocktails may be interacting with multiple regulatory pathways upstream of Nrf2, and their various metabolites may react with different cysteine redox «sensors» on Keap1.
If there is doubt about that, just observe the solid Republican Congressional hostility (and some announced Democratic opposition) to the CO2 regulatory pathway that EPA has announced under its endangerment finding in response to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Massachusetts vs. EPA.
Deciding the correct regulatory pathway for these chemicals is complicated by the potential for additivity: exposure to one phthalate at a level considered safe may not be safe in the case of simultaneous exposure to one or more of the other phthalates.
New FDA regulatory pathways may be required, aside from the new Biosimilar pathway, given the need for clinical trials.
Confusion over the «patent dance» mandated by the new Biosimilar regulatory pathway is another risk factor.
«Gaining FDA approval for new drug and biologics licence applications [NDAs and BLAs] is becoming increasingly difficult and, in turn, there is an increased need for skilled regulatory affairs professionals, who can overcome such obstacles by developing innovative regulatory pathways to achieve market approval.»
The limited genetic diversity of dog breeds facilitates identification of genes, functional variants and regulatory pathways underlying complex psychiatric disorders that are mechanistically similar in dogs and humans.
Professor of Immunology and Microbiology at National University of Singapore with research particularly focusing on the immune regulatory pathways in the lung.
It's possible that these molecules worsen complications not only by catastrophically damaging proteins but by obstructing normal gene regulatory pathways, he suggests.
«It has applications from understanding many growth regulatory pathways and for understanding critical processes that should lead to the identification of the targets needed for the development of new therapies.
The society's vision is to assemble a diverse network of stakeholders who will work to enable the scale up tools such as chemical compounds, the development of standards and the seamless integration of platform technologies with regulatory pathways.
Much of the Synthetic Biology Project's work has focused on understanding the public perception of these new technologies as well as the potential regulatory pathways for novel applications.
Researchers discover a new regulatory pathway that channels signals emanating from a plant's extremities to the stem cell niche...
Curis uses proteins or small molecules in regulatory pathways that control repair and regeneration.
With a deep - pocketed partner ready to usher imetelstat through the regulatory pathway and into the commercial setting, there's a solid chance Geron could provide market - thumping returns to patient investors.
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