Sentences with phrase «regulatory subunit»

A "regulatory subunit" refers to a part of a larger molecule or complex that controls or influences the activity or behavior of the whole molecule or complex. It plays a role in regulating or adjusting the function of the larger unit. Full definition
Clear orthologues of ATGL, HSL, MGL, ABHD5 and catalytic and regulatory subunits of PKA have been identified in C. elegans (ATGL - 1, HOSL - 1, LID - 1, KIN - 1, KIN - 2 respectively (Lee et al., 2014; Xie & Roy, 2015)(Fig. 7).
Das I, Krzyzosiak A, Schneider K, Wrabetz L, D'Antonio M, Barry N, Sigurdardottir A., Bertolotti A. Preventing proteostasis diseases by selective inhibition of a phosphatase regulatory subunit.
Perinuclear increases in [cAMP] slowly caused the translocation of the freed catalytic subunit into the nucleus to an extent proportional to the percentage of its dissociation from the regulatory subunit.
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)- dependent protein kinase, labeled with fluorescein and rhodamine on the catalytic and regulatory subunits, respectively, was injected into Aplysia sensory neurons either in culture or in intact cell clusters.
«It becomes clear that these two complexes are not only structurally and functionally similar,» says Elena Conti, «also their regulatory subunits work in a similar manner.»
Focus of this project is the CaaX processing microcompartment transiently formed at the ER, which is required for the modification of yeast Chs4, a regulatory subunit of the chitin synthase (CHS) III complex.
In addition, temporal [17] and spatial [16,17] correlations between increased levels of HIF - 1α, the regulatory subunit of HIF - 1, and increased VEGF expression have been shown, indicating that HIF - 1 may control the expression of VEGF in the retina under hypoxic conditions.
Studies in cells and genetically modified mice show that the regulatory subunit of the PI 3 - kinase, a protein called p85, works both ways, says C. Ronald Kahn, M.D., Head of the Joslin Section on Integrative Physiology and Metabolism, and senior author on a Nature Medicine paper reporting the discovery on March 28.
AMPK (AMP - activated protein kinase) is a Ser / Thr kinase composed of two regulatory subunits and a catalytic subunit that together as a complex regulates the levels of energy in the cells.
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