Sentences with phrase «rehearsing conversations»

You can help your child weather these encounters by rehearsing some conversations.
He didn't rehearse his conversation on the long drive to lunch.
Other times I rehearse conversations that I know I am going to have and I do that out loud.
He and his team rehearsed conversation that would intentionally distract security.

Not exact matches

This is directly tied to the previous point: Just as daydreaming frequently involves events from the past, it also frequently involves rehearsing future conversations, allowing us to practice planned encounters, be it with our boss, our spouse or anyone else with whom we have meaningful relationship.
An excellent way to anticipate specific problems that you may encounter in a stressful conversation is to rehearse with a neutral friend.
Finding something to say to a virtual (no pun intended) stranger can be hard without conversation seeming stilted or rehearsed.
It's a premise rife with thematic potential, which becomes impossible to miss once Binoche's character decamps for the Alps to rehearse with her assistant (an admittedly excellent Kristen Stewart) and the two begin spelling out every hint of meaning through conversation, effectively stripping the whole film of subtext, scene by overwritten scene.
Rehearsing with a trusted colleague also helps Sarah identify where she wants the conversation to go.
A snippet of the conversation uploaded to Youtube here (backup on Kotaku, if that link goes down) does indeed include Colatonio and Smith rehearsing for tomorrow's press conference, but best as we can tell, Dishonored 2 is never explicitly mentioned.
We learned of the existence of Dishonored 2 in a rather embarrassing way: while rehearsing its first ever E3 press conference, Bethesda broadcast — live on Twitch, no less — a conversation between members of Arkane Studios (developer of Dishonored) that mentioned Harvey Smith (director of Dishonored).
The stories range from an account of two brothers who communicate only in the third person, to an individual who compulsively rehearses daily conversations, to another who seems trapped in an extensive list of fears.
And the conversation itself provides us with the forum within which we can then rehearse and negotiate our own views.
But when debates are rehearsed simply for debate's sake, and when dogma, rather than reason, drives the conversation, it's necessary to re-examine the terms of our conflicts and the assumptions upon which they rest — such as the support of so many environmentalists for renewables over a zero - carbon energy source like nuclear, or the deep - seated resistance to biotechnology and machines when it comes to food production.
As scientists, frustrated with government inaction on climate change, decide to speak out and get involved in advocacy and politics, the conversation is going to change away from the well - rehearsed talking points of politicians and activists and move towards following facts and arguments wherever they may lead.
This means less of the rehearsed question and answer scenarios, and more flowing conversation.
You don't want your answers to sound scripted and inauthentic — stop rehearsing them and accept the fact that an interview is after all a conversation.
But don't just rehearse the interview questions — practice how you will seamlessly introduce your business plan and brag book into the conversation.
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