Sentences with phrase «reign upon the earth»

Yes, Jesus is leading many different people in many different directions, and I think this is all part of His plan to expand His rule and reign upon the earth.
As Christians engage in work, we are fulfilling the gospel responsibilities to bring God's rule and reign upon the earth.
This good news that God is restoring His rule and reign upon the earth is to be spread to all corners of the world, not just by what we say, but also by what we do.
I firmly believe that Jesus will return at some point in the future, and that He will return physically, and that He will rule and reign upon the earth from Jerusalem.

Not exact matches

You said that «The Kingdom of heaven refers to the rule and reign of God upon the earth», but you don't say that this won't happen until Jesus returns [Matt 25:31 - 46].
The Kingdom of heaven refers to the rule and reign of God upon the earth.
«We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion will be built upon this [the American] continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.
Yet of two things the Christian can be confident: that the way of brotherhood and mutual understanding is God's way, which if followed leads to justice, security, and peace; and that if man does end his collective life upon earth, God will still reign in his eternal Kingdom.
New Testament scholars have endlessly debated the effect of the «delay of the parousia» — the expected ultimate triumph of God's reign initiated by a return to earth of the glorified Christ — upon the life and doctrine of the early church.
All of these questions are finally only one question: Do we know what it is to pray for the reign of God, on earth as in heaven, in the name of Jesus who cried out for God upon his cross?
It is true that such things will not be universally practiced upon the earth until Jesus Christ physically returns to rule and reign over the entire earth.
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