Sentences with phrase «reinforced the points behind»

That Hull performance was pure art and just reinforced the points behind this article I am writing.

Not exact matches

However, PwC's data reinforces that smart speakers and other ambient voice assistant access points are popular and currently represent the driving force behind voice assistant adoption.
This behind - the - scenes curation reinforces our political points of view through online «echo chambers» that affirm, instead of challenge, what we already believe to be true.
I feel that credibility is superior to repeated posts in online discussions that skirt evidence to promote an unwavering position (you pick out one sentence from the Ravitch evidence and do not acknowledge the central point she reinforces in my position)-- especially since all of my work is with my NAME and identity clearing standing behind my commentary v. screen - name screeds.
This course will teach the student important driving safety techniques along with state specific rules and laws to help reinforce the key points of a state - approved driver education or behind - the - wheel driver training course.
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