Sentences with phrase «reject god word»

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This is how we are tried, tested and proven; even as we advance in our Christ maturity from glory to glory: Could it be, even what was once to be the rewards of those who rejected us, is now unto us, because we are also rejected for the Word of God?
God promises in His word, the Bible that no one will live without a chance to make the choice to acknowledge Him or reject Him.
The builders rejected Jesus because of the Word of God, and because of that, He became the Chief Corner Stone: Did God take from the builders to give to Jesus because they rejected His Word; is this why we are to come forth with even our testimonies through His Spirit in us, It could be?
If you reject the writings of Paul in the New Covenant than you are rejecting the Words of God.
All who were in the Bible spoke in and by the Holy Spirit in boldness when it came time for them to minister the Word, even as it is with me, also to bring forth my testimony as a witness: I can not fellowship with unbeliever's because all they do is cause division, and Christ is not divided: Therefore; remain as you are: This is the third time I have come to you, and you rejected me for the Word of God: Many did not even know that Jesus spoke the Word of God through Holy Spirit, so how is it that you are to know unless it be given to you to know: My God is Just and He is right, He knows the hearts of man are wicked and have turned from Him: Thank - you all, there are some that did get it: Thank - you Father in Jesus name Alexandria:
Do you realize that rejecting your idea of That - Which - We - Call - God is not rejecting that which the word points to?
In other words, each religious person on earth today arbitrarily rejects thousands of gods as imaginary, many of which he / she has never even heard of, and arbitrarily chooses to «believe» in one of them.
I'm sure you'll reject it, so since I'd rather spend the rest of my evening learning something from God's Word instead of shaking my fist at Him, I'll bid you a good night.
He goes on to say, though, that he must «reject, for obvious reasons, are the first three words, «God grant me».»
So coming to a conclusion that does not line up with the Word of God is not truth and must be rejected.
Reject all Islam all U want here in this earth but my sweethearts when we stand infront of the one and only god on the day of judgement, I want u to know that you will be like why did i fall into the twisting words of Satan and mix the creator as one who urinates and has reproduced.
You live in fear of being a sinful individual who your god rejects should you not adhere to his words and so you judge others based off of what sheep herding freaks from 2000 years ago said.
I observe that you teach us only a portion of the sacred writings — the best as I view it — and I infer that you reject the teachings of the rabbis to the effect that the words of the law are the very words of God, having been with God in heaven even before the times of Abraham and Moses.
As Wellhausen once remarked, everything that Jesus said (save, I think, his teaching about God's «seeking the lost») can be found in the highest and best Jewish teaching; although Wellhausen had to add that much more may be found in this teaching which Jesus eliminated or rejected — our Lord's human genius here, if the word may be used, was in his selectivity.
On this basis, he fought tooth and nail against the moderates in the Southern Baptist Convention or any other part of the evangelical world who rejected the idea that the Bible was the Word of God in favor of the idea that the Bible became the Word of God in encounter or contained the Word of God in some way.
But when the man refuses to do this, when he does not accept the word as a Word of God, when he takes refuge behind doubt, or eternity, or human wisdom, when this man asks God to wait, then God rejects him, but he does not send him to hword as a Word of God, when he takes refuge behind doubt, or eternity, or human wisdom, when this man asks God to wait, then God rejects him, but he does not send him to hWord of God, when he takes refuge behind doubt, or eternity, or human wisdom, when this man asks God to wait, then God rejects him, but he does not send him to hell.
In my opinion, this advice here appears to be leading people on a path to reject God's Truth, and is also teaching that He applauds them when they assess the words of the prophets as delusional.
I am saying that your false and slanderous accusation of «give someone a doctrine», you pulled out or your God rejecting self willed basket of ways to assault the Word of God.
A money, power and control obsessed Church, or a collection of people who've rejected the word of God to accommodate sin?
Karl Barth radically rejected all these distinctions, positing instead a theology of the one Word of God from which all structures, orders, commandments, and ethical norms for Christian living in the world must be derived.
if you recall, God said, «Let us make man in our image AND after our likeness...... yes, every man still bears the image of God and deserves respect, but every man deserves to be pitied for the likeness of God which he has lost and which can only be restored through a relationship with Jesus Christ, who is more than a book, He is the Living Word of God, and any relationship with Him demands an obedience to the Word He represents, thus, how can a man «walk humbly with God» while at the same time rejecting the His very Word?
but I do not adjust the scriptures to fit my life, lol, that would be too easy, believe me, I struggle with my own demons, and not because of fundamentalist traditional teaching, as you can probably tell I rejected that long ago, I wanted to know what God was really saying, whether I liked it or agreed with it at all, and then I began to adjust my life to His Word.
«But we have rejected shameful hidden deeds, not behaving with deceptiveness or distorting the word of God, but by open proclamation of the truth we commend ourselves to everyone's conscience before God
Jesus did not teach hate and intolerance he did not reject health care he healed the sick he did not preach for profit and he did not deny anyone there rights he did not look down on others and he did not bear false witness the right wing conservatives have hijacked the word of god to fit their political agenda.
So, although those apostate Churches were still advising the State, they had rejected the Word of God and become false prophets crying «peace, peace.»
If one lets the no - inherent - free - will interpretation of the less than 0.5 % of the Scriptures set the precedence on what the word of God says about man's free will, then a person is forced to do some absurd reasoning / interpretation of the majority of scriptures that imply that man has the inherent ability to accept / believe or reject God's call / drawing, commands, instructions, promises and gifts.
To reject this idol may often involve falling back upon skepticism, but sometimes one seems fleetingly to be enabled to reject the idol in the name of a Being who really is Another, who requires one to stop putting words into His mouth, who has the predictable disconcerting quality of the God of the New Testament, who directs one's attention away from oneself, who is relaxed where the idol is grim and immensely awe - inspiring where the idol is puny.
Calvinists try to say that this verse supports their concept of total depravity (that fallen mankind does not have the inherent free will capacity to accept or reject God's call / drawing, commands, instructions, promises and gifts) because they interpret the words «the natural man» to be all of fallen mankind.
yes christian sin but they do it out of temptation and weakness i didn't now i doomed to hell there no sacrifice to cover my sin i didn't reject Christ or his sacrifice but my action speak louder than words all because i like to masturbate and think of women the bible say but i don't know what verse it is but it say something like this christian is born of god they don't sin because the seed abide in them now i fearful for my life and i should be
Nonetheless, according to Paul, Abraham wrestled with his doubts, discounted his own experience, rejected skepticism, and clung to the promise of God: «No apistia, no suspicion, made him waver Thus, Abraham becomes the prototype of the community of faith, which interprets all human experience through trust in God's word.
We as Christians need to examine our own motives about why are we rejecting people... all I know is that God never rejected anybody and the Word tells me that he wants everyone to be saved: Everyone.»
The declaration's negation, following immediately upon its affirmation, makes this clear: «We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church could and would have to acknowledge as a source of its proclamation, apart from and beside the one Word of God, still other events and powers, figures and truths, as God's revelation.»
Some how it's felt that values, morals, virtues are not there in a secular world only faceless solid lifeless laws of men rather than what has been relayed by Holy books that calls for good deeds and reject bad deeds and to build a faithful societies, communities, nations since communications among nations or even among the nations of mixed cultures and beliefs... Laws or God and universe are to be prepared by some thing that is equivalent to UN but built on nations beliefs to achieve the code of understanding among nations but as can see now it is build on groundless bases if not of words of God to faiths... in addition to those non spiritual secular beliefs to make decisions of faith but at the moment the secular world make and take the decisions while the beliefs and faiths has to pay for it when it becomes a war between all faiths or religions outside your world, it would become back into your inside among the mixed culture and beliefs of the nation or nations under one country flag...!
«you are here / for now and future / change as I understand the Word of God / institutional answer / no listening, and more institutional answer / entrench and reject, or entrench and create co-dependence / repeat as needed.»
The world, entire world, would be far better off if people rejected the «infallible word of God» as a compass to moral truth and instead used open minded logic and reason to better understand each other and compromise.
But he is also rejected by God because of his commandeering of the Word and the harshness of his loyalty.
Lest the Deutsche Christen of the Nazi church (or anyone else) mistake what this means, a clear reference to der Führer follows: «We reject the false doctrine [that] the Church could and would have to acknowledge as a source of its proclamation, apart from and besides this one Word of God, still other events, powers, figures, and truths as God's revelation.»
Alternatively, if the readers see that this concept of God is rejected and can not find a new one to which to relate the powerful images of political theology, they may decide that the meaning of what is said can be clarified without use of this word.
Right at the time when they were bemoaning the fact that God's Word had failed them, and they had been rejected by God, there was God's Word in the flesh standing right before them, showing them that rather than rejecting them, God himself had come to deliver them.
But you know, as she said herself — and it's what I believe — anything that is written by anyone, you must compare it to the Word of God and if there's any inconsistency, you must reject it.
Quite consistently the Scriptures declare that presenting the Word of God effects a decision to accept or to reject.
In this context it does not matter how we react to this word - event, whether we accept it as pointing to God himself or reject it in desperate fury, because as part of the world of language it wants to force us, who are part of the world, to confront the whole of the world as well as ourselves without being the whole or being able to rule it.
It attempts to enforce a closed system of thought, that must reject conflicting claims regardless of which is the more logical conclusion — if it simply accepted evidence when it was due, it would lose all credibility, because the «word of God» can not be considered fallible.
Now we know that a true Christian has a very narrow a very to walk in that he will reject the truth of the world for the sake of the truth of Christ that is written in the Holy Bible as the written Word of God.
In 2004, the Supreme Court rejected efforts by a California atheist to revisit the issue of banning the Pledge's recital in public schools because of its use of the words, «under God
For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer (1 Timothy 4:4 - 5).
It is used with ambiguity because he speaks decisively about God's Word but then rejects the role of Scripture as incapable of fulfilling the demands of the «being» aspect of revelation.
The appraisal that God makes is worked out in what He does — or, in words that describe the creative advance as we know it, the appraisal is worked out in terms of what is taken into, and what is rejected from, the «consequent nature» of God, God as He is affected by what occurs in the world; and then, in what use is made of what has been thus taken or received in the furthering of the project or purpose of God, the implementation of good «in widest commonalty shared».
What then was Jehovah God going to do who rejected his word and its moral boundaries, having no feelings no shame?
Gary; we become the words we speak, therefore to reject the words that comes forth out of my heart, is to reject me: How can you separate the two: Are you to say to Jesus: O we love you Jesus, but not what you preach: Jesus said; if you love me you would do what I say: We would heed to His words and not depart from them: Jesus is the Word of God become flesh, how can you separate us who are also grafted into His Word by the Holy Spirit: Now to also separate us from the one that man also said was a lunatic (Jesus) because of His words: Truly, this is what it means to have Christ form in us, and that is why we now are not received by those of this world: Thank - you Gary, In Jesus name Alexandria:
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