Sentences with phrase «reject god his name»

When man makes his free will decision to reject God his name is blotted out of the Book of Life.

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All who were in the Bible spoke in and by the Holy Spirit in boldness when it came time for them to minister the Word, even as it is with me, also to bring forth my testimony as a witness: I can not fellowship with unbeliever's because all they do is cause division, and Christ is not divided: Therefore; remain as you are: This is the third time I have come to you, and you rejected me for the Word of God: Many did not even know that Jesus spoke the Word of God through Holy Spirit, so how is it that you are to know unless it be given to you to know: My God is Just and He is right, He knows the hearts of man are wicked and have turned from Him: Thank - you all, there are some that did get it: Thank - you Father in Jesus name Alexandria:
For those who believe in God, I can not fathom that any of you think God would reject a dying persons thoughts or regrets at their failings in life because HIS name was not mentioned.
Barry — it's simple... the philosophers you name were Greek pagans, and would have rejected the god of the Jews (who were the only followers of Yahweh around at the time).
For if they are incompatible, and the Christian is indeed called to live a life of servanthood in love toward one's neighbor and God, then those who reject politics in the name of Christ are correct.
To reject this idol may often involve falling back upon skepticism, but sometimes one seems fleetingly to be enabled to reject the idol in the name of a Being who really is Another, who requires one to stop putting words into His mouth, who has the predictable disconcerting quality of the God of the New Testament, who directs one's attention away from oneself, who is relaxed where the idol is grim and immensely awe - inspiring where the idol is puny.
You rejected God because of what FALSE RELIGIONS have done to the name of God.
What has happened is that this forsaken and rejected Servant of God has been given a name above every name among us.
While rejecting anthropomorphism, major traditions of Islamic thought — within and without the domain of mysticism — have given such texts a profoundly theomorphic explication, especially in conjunction with the epiphany of God's names in creation.
Highlights for me included: 1) Belcher's call in Chapter 3 to find common ground in classic / orthodox Christianity (the Apostle's Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed) which, if applied, would dramatically reduce some of the name - calling and accusations of heresy that have been most unhelpful in the discussion between the emerging and traditional camps, 2) Belcher's fabulous treatment of postmodernism and postfoundationalism in Chapter 4, where he rightly explains that when talking about postmodernism, folks in the emerging church and the traditional church are using the same term to refer to two completely different things, and where he concludes that «a third way rejects classical foundationalism and hard postmodernism,» and 3) Belcher's fair handling of the atonement issue in Chapter 6, in which he clarifies that most emergering church leaders «are not against atonement theories and justification, but want to see it balanced with the message of the kingdom of God
Though humans had rejected him, God exalted him, giving him «a name above every name
Gary; we become the words we speak, therefore to reject the words that comes forth out of my heart, is to reject me: How can you separate the two: Are you to say to Jesus: O we love you Jesus, but not what you preach: Jesus said; if you love me you would do what I say: We would heed to His words and not depart from them: Jesus is the Word of God become flesh, how can you separate us who are also grafted into His Word by the Holy Spirit: Now to also separate us from the one that man also said was a lunatic (Jesus) because of His words: Truly, this is what it means to have Christ form in us, and that is why we now are not received by those of this world: Thank - you Gary, In Jesus name Alexandria:
When man rejects God's love and revelation of Himself through Jesus, then you are left with a world of people who hate, kill, lie, steal, cheat, and deceive in the name of «God» and yet whose hearts are far from the God they profess to know.
Like the other two, and with equal definiteness and eloquence, he rejected classical theism (without so naming it) 3 because of its failure to protect freedom in our relation to God.
This important confession of the Church rejected as heresy the subordinationist teachings of a man named Arius and defined as orthodox the notion that God is one ousia in three hypostases, fancy Greek words for declaring that God's nature is one unified essence that has three ways of being in the world or in the universe or wherever God decides to hangout.
The sign of Jonah is in One who was rejected as a blasphemer by the religious leaders of his time and condemned to death as a criminal by the political leaders, rising up from the dead and sitting at the right hand of God, and being given a name that is above every other name, so that «at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth» (Phil.
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