Sentences with phrase «reject author submissions»

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What is the difference between what Harlequin is doing here and what scammer agents do when they reject an author but then steer them to Papa Jack's Editorial to pay a lot of money to «clean up» their submissions... and Papa Jack is another business owned by that agent?
Agents are inundated with submissions to such an extent that (a) they are essentially looking for a reason to reject every submission they see and (b) they often take six months to let an author know that his or her work is «not for them».
While still taking submissions of manuscripts — often unagented submissions, which has been attractive to authors who've been rejected by the first level of gatekeeper to the industry — the numbers of rejected manuscripts from these new publishers are surprisingly low.
Like I said earlier, it's not really personal — and novelist and photjournalist Heather Hummel talks about this in her blog post for The Huffington Post, «Why Agents Reject 96 % of Author Submissions
However, the primary anonymity considerations are so that the referees can be frank about shortcomings when rejecting a paper, and so that the author will not feel obliged to reciprocate an acceptance when reviewing future submissions by the referee (s).
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