Sentences with phrase «rejection before»

Being in love with someone who doesn't feel the same can be a devastating experience, especially if you've struggled with rejection before.
Expect Some Rejection Before You Get Hired Expecting rejection may appear self - defeating, but nobody can land a job on the first try every time!
Everyone has experienced rejection before finding the perfect job.
Sending the CV can lead to rejection before you have the chance to find out their real needs.
Dealing with the waves of rejection before getting your work published was an important right of passage and a way to hone your work, as it was for Jones.
I believe too many authors — especially newer authors or frustrated authors who have never been published by a licensed [read: commercial / trade] publisher — are easily swayed into thinking that ASP press will let them succeed where they have only met with rejection before.
Meg talks about a writer who had 56 rejections, and another who went through 6 years of rejection before publication.
In fact, it might make you feel the fear of rejection before you've even asked a woman for her number.
For example, the painful experience of endless rejection before publication that motivated Calcagno in the first place turns out to be rare.
Canfield faced many years of rejection before he found significant succes, but throughout the process, it was his belief that the right opportunity would eventually come along that encouraged him to continue striving.
«We almost didn't have a show,» she says, noting the musical / comedy received many rejections before The CW picked it up.
You have to scale through numerous obstacles and rejections before you can term your business as successful.
You have to scale through numerous obstacles and rejections before you...
Remember, even some of the bestsellers received many, many rejections before they found the right home.
I worked damn hard and received hundreds of rejections before finding a new agent who actually read my work and said yes.
Do not expect notification of awards and rejections before December 2018.
We might have to go through a hundred rejections before we find the right match for our story.
We've all heard how books like Carrie, Harry Potter, Dune, Dubliners, and even The Diary of Anne Frank received multiple rejections before finally finding success.
Catherine Ryan Hyde tells the story of how she got something like 150 rejections before she got one story accepted.
I received between 70 — 80 rejections before it became apparent to me that my story is too weird for anybody to pick it up.
Louis L'Amour received 350 rejections before he made his first sale.
I received scores of rejections before my books were accepted.
And most writers, the overwhelming majority of writers, had numerous rejections before they ever got something accepted.
Until this becomes a widely understood thing, most people are still going to think that you had a certain number of rejections before you went indie and therefore the quality and value of the work is «suspect.»
I may have set a record for rejections before being published - 167, I think.
When James Patterson wrote his first novel it was rejected by 31 publishers, on the other hand Mary Higgins Clark's manuscript took 6 years and a decent pile of 41 rejections before finally getting accepted.
This is why an author will usually encounter several rejections before they find someone willing to publish their book.
I ask because a friend of mine just went through nearly 4 years before the book got out there: the author spent a year of query letter rejections before finally landing a literary agent; then it took a year of submissions for the agent to land a publisher; then it took well over a year for the book to get on the publisher's schedule for launch date.
Writers spend years in the wilderness accumulating rejections before finding a single buyer (advances usually start at $ 1,000 to $ 10,000).
Catherine Ryan Hyde, author of Pay it Forward and one of the top bestsellers on Amazon, got over 200 rejections before she placed her first short story.
I recall the old timers advising me, «It's just a numbers game — you have to get a certain number of rejections before you'll get a sale.»

Not exact matches

Here are seven famous people who faced rejection and failure before finding incredible success.
Even though there are more lending options for small businesses than ever before, a crucial step is missing in the process; and no one is paying attention, leaving business owners increasingly frustrated over their rejections for credit lines and loans.
Take inspiration from these seven leaders, who faced ridicule, rejection, and disaster before earning their rewards:
The blooper reel is long: the will - they - or - won't - they reality show surrounding BHP Billiton's scuttled bid for Potash Corp.; the minutes - before - midnight rejection of Petronas's bid for Progress Energy (eventually reversed); and the long - delayed approval of the China National Offshore Oil Co.'s (CNOOC) purchase of Nexen.
The president then alleged that Obama bypassed a court rejection in order to carry out the wiretapping, before suggesting that a «good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!»
He received more than a dozen rejections — including from KFC — before being hired as an English teacher.
Before long, I had another rejection letter... and another, and another.
O'Donnell had fought doggedly for the right to question Redstone — finally getting the green light from the judge, after repeated rejections, only days before trial.
So before trying to raise capital from VCs; you must be prepared to face rejection and expect some harsh words.
(17) But indeed men before them rejected (My warning): then how (terrible) was My rejection (of them)?
«Each child who is unborn, but is unjustly condemned to be aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who, even before he was born, and then as soon as he was born, experienced the rejection of the world.»
He said that before it happens, he must first suffer many things and be rejected of this generation That rejection is what you see going on right now — with the rise of atheism and gays and with people worshipping Lucifer — once that rejection is fully complete, only then shall Jesus come....
There can not be value without antecedent standards of value, to discriminate the acceptance or rejection of what is before the envisaging mode of activity.
Many centuries before Hegel, the rabbis of the Talmud mastered the «determinate negation,» the rejection of an idea that reveals an insight about both that idea and its relatives.
But this rejection, in turn, prompted Hamann to compose and publish a piece called To the Witch at Kadmanbor, a «letter» supposedly written by Nicolai to an old sorceress, asking her to translate Hamann's Monologue from the Chinese of the «Mandarin» who wrote it» a letter that, midway through its course, suddenly becomes a delirious monologue of its own (in which the witch now appears as the Fury Alecto, but with two faces, «a calf's eye like Juno's, and the watery eye of an owl») before concluding with the recommendation that Hamann be forced like his illustrious ancestor Haman — from the book of Esther — to mount the scaffold.
The reform of canon law is still far away... in short, there is nothing like a new Pentecost to be noticed, but rather quarrels and alienation among Catholics themselves, new unsolved questions in theology as well as in Christian living on which we had seemed to be agreed before the Council, the continuing silent apostasy of the masses, the rejection of faith, Christian morality and conviction in public life.
The dominant image of the Protestant ministry is of the preacher in the pulpit with an open Bible before him, which involves a rejection of certain aspects of medieval Catholic theology and practice, and results in some cases in pathological distortion of the preacher - pulpit - Bible image.
As with most of the Protestant theologians who came before him, «revelation» was a central category of his theology, but unlike them, he did not share in the rejection of a rational metaphysics that so shaped (and skewed) their work.
Einstein, before his death, I am told, somewhat relaxed his insistence on complete determinism, but never gave up his rejection of the Quantum idea.
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