Sentences with phrase «relate to what»

Because people relate to what is real and react to it.
Teachers also understand the teacher and student evidence that is listed for each design question and quickly relate it to what they do every day because it is so practical.»
Do they relate to what the learners do in their day - to - day work?
Job adverts ask for considerable skills but the salary offered doesn't relate to what is required or the expertise that can be proven by certification.»
«Find some that relate to what you are already teaching,» Muir advises.
It may seem like it doesn't relate to what you're experiencing with your students, but trust me, the more you keep at it, the more all you are studying here will fall into place.
Compliance sessions can be boring, unless the learners can relate to what they are being taught.
When teachers ask her questions, Lemay says she's found it helpful to relate it to what they already know.
Olivia Eaton, English teacher at The Forest Academy, said it was crucial for students to be able to «enjoy and relate to what they were reading».
Many of the kids have «stop and frisk» stories that they would be quick to relate to what happened in these famous cases.
Many Americans — Irish or not — relate to the Celtic culture easily; or, at least, they relate to what they perceive the culture to be.
Chances are good that more women will want to see the movie, but the surprise is, many men will relate to what's going on with the Steve Carell and Ryan Gosling characters.
The entire time I watched this movie, I felt that I could relate to what Lady Bird was going through even though I have never experienced it before.
Understand I'm not advocating the events depicted in this film, I can only relate to what I've experienced in my lifetime and from that perspective, they were awful then and now the government is using their behavior as a jumping off point rather than where it escalated to during the 60's and 70's.
If you have ever watched your parent or grandparent in their final stages of life, you may relate to what Georges is going through.
We can totally relate to what the two characters are going through and the idea of that bromance breaking up is a pretty sobering note to end the movie on.
I actually get quite a few women but can relate to what is being
I am more interested in getting to know someone online who can relate to what widows go through.
Now, I know that you ladies (and gentlemen) who are divorced with kids can completely relate to what I'm saying here.
Aneeka's perspective allowed her to also relate to what modern Asian singles go through from a cultural perspective.
I'm looking for a guy that can relate to what I've gone thru.
Love being around positive energy, looking for a long term relationship with someone who can relate to what I'm going through.
Getting to know someone else who has also experienced the loss of a partner and can relate to what you are going through will make those first few dates a lot easier.
Hi, Marion - I sure relate to what your mom is experiencing.
He was reading their profiles and filling in the blanks to relate to what they talked about... but the emails still didn't feel personal.
Your life lessons are inspiring and I can totally relate to what you have said about love, money and opportunities.
It goes to show that the industry is no longer win or lose, that you can dust yourself off and try again, and that one's vision of what makes a solid T - shirt can relate to what goes on around us.
This is a great post and we can all relate to what you are saying here.
Well I can not say I can relate to what you go through as a student, but I am looking forward to not having to wake up at 6 am to get the kids ready, they will be with their grandparents which means time alone with the hubby and more time to blog, blog, blog!
But I can relate to what you describe though.
We can relate to what you said in the video.
I can totally relate to what you're saying here though, I think every blogger struggles with finding a balance between being honest and oversharing about real life.
I can relate to what you wrote about time so much!
They may not completely relate to what you're going through, but they are often the best person to lend an empathetic and non-judgmental ear.
The term functional can be adapted to anything really, as long as the purpose is clearly defined and can relate to what a coach envisions will integrate the entire body and human movement patterns necessary for life, work, and sport.
I feel like I can relate to what you said.
I can really relate to what you are saying.
I enjoyed the interview and as I'm close to finishing IIN and seeing clients as a health coach I can totally relate to what he's saying!
, I can relate to what Peele talks about from my past experiences.
Unless someone can relate to what you are going through, don't ask for counsel!
Something we can change, though, is how we relate to what you feel.
... but you can change how you relate to what you feel.
They've got to be able to relate to what you're doing.»
When a friend can relate to what you're going through, you might feel less alone.
Even though these challenges may not directly relate to what the student is facing, the student can benefit from connecting with the mentor on a personal level.
«Trying to balance that all out, trying to relate it to what human society wants and is willing to pay for, and how to deal with houses in the middle of that is an important issue.
«How does that relate to what we're doing in class?
Being in the Midwest makes it even more difficult, since there aren't many minorities around you who can relate to what you are going through.
«We're not going to pass a budget, we're not going to end this session, without having changed the ethics rules that relate to what people do in terms of outside income — whether it's the level of outside income they have or, more importantly, making sure that people can't use their public office in a way to benefit themselves privately,» Morelle said.
«We invite you to assess all the gains we have made since they gave us their last mandate in 2012 and relate them to what we have committed to do for the people of Ghana from 2017.
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