Sentences with phrase «related homework activities»

«Starting at the basic level, we have each item of coursework on the learning platform which is linked to the topic work, any relevant websites and related homework activities.

Not exact matches

The homework progress tracker allows you and your child to keep track of several homework related activities.
Key vocab: Est - ce que... Où... C'est combien etc... Key verbs: VOULOIR, AIMER, VISITER, LOUER, VOIR, ALLER (some conditional) PowerPoint includes: Starter activity, interactive satellite zoom with sound effects, DART activity with listening file (Directed Activities Related to Text), writing task, plenary task and a worksheet that can be used for the homework.
As a geography teacher I use this homework at the start of a topic on famine and then use it to discuss what the consumption of people in other places might be, but same activity could be used in PSHE or other food related topics.
Related terms: language features and their effects structural features sentence forms emotive language figurative language types These pages can be used in a number of ways, homework, class activities, interest groups, formal lessons, booklet style, as an introduction to writing and poetry instruction etc
We hope the aforementioned tools empower the parents of DreamBox users to play a more active role in homework, goal setting, and other curriculum - related activities — and to overcome their FoMA for good.
This coping inventory was initially drafted by Carver, Scheier, & Weintraub (1989) and has been adapted by De Corte et al. (2011) to the school context, specifically to school - related mathematical activities — a difficult test, a difficult mathematics homework and a difficult mathematics lesson — and to secondary graders.
Children do better at school when their parents read the information coming home from school, go to parent - teacher meetings, get involved with homework, and watch them participating in school - related activities like sports.
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