Sentences with phrase «related rhinitis»

In the case of allergy related rhinitis, the symptoms themselves will come about following an incident in which your pet is exposed to the allergen.
Allergy - related rhinitis is predominant in the spring and summer when pollen levels peak.

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Objectives: This study investigated comorbidity in chemical intolerance (CI) and building - related intolerance (BRI) with (i) chronic sinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, allergic and nonallergic asthma and allergic rhinitis, and (ii) airway inflammatory symptoms.
Extracts of peppermint have also been shown to help relieve the nasal symptoms of allergic rhinitis (colds related to allergy).
Rhinitis - Bacterial nasal infections occur in Shar - Pei again probably related to the high incidence of IgA deficiency in the breed.
While dogs also do contract colds and other related minor illnesses, rhinitis will tend to be more permanent and long lasting.
Increased pollen exposure has been linked to increased emergency department visits related to asthma and wheezing312 in addition to respiratory allergic illnesses such as allergic rhinitis or hay fever.313 The selective use of low to moderate pollen - producing species can decrease pollen exposure.314
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