Sentences with phrase «related school cancellations»

A study published in Ed Next in 2010 found that weather - related school cancellations have a measurable impact on student achievement.

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It also took time to approve town tax statements, highway - related items, and the cancellation of selected village and school tax assessments.
Faced with mandatory federal and state holidays, contracted teacher professional development days, and the need to plan for weather - related cancellations, Maryland school districts will struggle to fit in the obligatory number of days without dramatically shortening winter and spring breaks.
Further, because we have data from many years, we can compare students in years with many weather - related cancellations to students in the same school in previous or subsequent years with fewer cancellations.
District 62 uses Blackboard Connect 5 to notify parents, staff, vendors, and the Board of Education of emergency and weather related school closings, cancellations, late starts, and general announcements.
Loan amounts cancelled through the job - related or school - related cancellations should not be considered taxable income.
In addition to the types of forgiveness, cancellation, and discharge shown above, you may also be eligible for discharge of your federal student loans based on borrower defense to repayment if you took out the loans to attend a school that misled you, or engaged in other misconduct in violation of certain state laws, and if the school's act or omission directly related to your federal student loans or to the educational services that you paid for with the loans.
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