Sentences with phrase «related supporting mechanisms»

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It can supply the support mechanisms to help relate people once again to the real world.
Tammi has also had the privilege to attend a variety of meetings of the global food sovereignty movement, including the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty, Urgenci: the International Network for Community - Supported Agriculture, Slow Meat, the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), Slow Food's Terra Madre, and the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM) that relates to the UN Committee for World Food Security (CFS).
So if you're looking for a fun and competitive diet program that proffers cash incentives, social and expert - based support, online tools and resources, goal - setting and tracking technologies and other helpful support mechanisms to better assure your pound shedding success (and monetary earnings related thereto), just may be for you.
«The critical next step is to study this biological mechanism in a mammalian model and generate data to support a clinical trial of rapamycin or a related drug for DCM patients who have these genetic variants.»
Under the auspices of the UNCCD, the IGU Thematic Conference will serve as one of the important mechanisms for providing expert and scientific support for the implementation of the UNCCD strategic goals and related Sustainable Development Goals.
The Ellison Medical Foundation supports basic biomedical research, with a current focus on understanding how humans and other organisms age, and on defining the fundamental biological mechanisms that prevent age - related diseases and disabilities.
The antioxidant defense mechanism of nectarines may prove effective in combating major conditions such as obesity - related complications, macular degeneration and it also supports in the prevention of cancer.
Establish mechanisms for providing high - quality and consistent support — including facilitation and professional development — to all districts in the state in developing a limited number of focused goals directly related to district - identified needs in the area of instruction and student learning?
In response to that, PJM Interconnection has filed comments which ask for «market reforms and related compensation mechanisms to address resilience concerns and advance operational characteristics that support reliability and resilience».
Hence, supporting short supply chain initiatives and related SME's seem to be an important mechanism for building resilient urban food systems.
I believe I understand the mechanisms related to the Heinrich events and have moved on to astrophysics problems looking for an explanation as to how the sun could cause what is observed and looking for observational evidence to understand and support a model for the fundamental physics implications.
Northeast cities have employed a variety of mechanisms to respond to climate change, including land - use planning, provisions to protect infrastructure, regulations related to the design and construction of buildings, and emergency preparation, response, and recovery.106 While significant progress has been made, local governments still face limitations of legal authority, geographic jurisdiction, and resource constraints that could be addressed through effective engagement and support from higher levels of government.
We decide that the Copenhagen Climate Fund shall be established as an operating entity of the financial mechanism of the Convention to support projects, programmes, policies and other activities in developing cotmtries related to mitigation including REDD - plus, adaptation, capacity - building, technology development and transfer as set forth in decision - / CP.l 5.
A related option would be to support formal regional mechanisms that are drawn along different boundaries to the ICC network of offices.
This policy statement builds on previous policies related to child health equity, 26 housing insecurity, 27 and early childhood adversity.3 The accompanying technical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), «Mediators and Adverse Effects of Child Poverty in the United States,» 28 supports this statement by describing current knowledge on childhood poverty and the mechanisms by which poverty influences the health and well - being of children.
Rural workforce: the prioritisation of digital infrastructure in regional and remote communities; expansion of health - related education and training options to support smaller regional and remote communities; long - term contracts for providers of health, mental health, disability and aged and community care services in small regional and remote communities to enable a stable base for recruitment and retention of staff; the development of a Regional and Remote Health Workforce Strategy; delivery of health care and medical education in regional and remote communities; development of the Health Care Home model for regional and remote communities and funded at levels that enable the delivery of the range of services needed in those communities; more mechanisms for information sharing between health care practices, Primary Health Networks and regional and remote health care providers.
The KITS Follow - Up study was a longitudinal study of the effects of an intervention that targeted specific school - related skills during the summer and early fall preceding school entry via three mechanisms: (1) a therapeutic playgroup; (2) caregiver psychoeducational support groups; and (3) behavioral consultation in the home, school, and community settings.
Hypothesizing that owner behavior relies on mechanisms that originally evolved to promote parenting, we predicted that, similarly to parenting behavior, we would find various components of owner behavior related to support, warmth and control.
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