Sentences with phrase «relating to other»

The relationship is not one of God and man relating to each other (even if for Rahner man's ability to relate is itself a grace from God) but it is unified in Christ who is God and man: He is the principal agent of the sacraments and He acts directly in each of them.
It is that way of knowing a thing which proceeds «by going all around it,» by relating it to other known reference points, rather than by «entering into it» (CM 159).
Relating to each other in the way you taught yesterday, well everything else hinges on that kind of love.
But if we are tired of living in a world where one is either dominating others or dominated by others we have no choice but step out in faith towards another way of living and relating to other people and communities.
The human beings who are the actors in the economic drama are self - contained, relating to other substances only externally.
Many more seek advanced degrees, as Trueman says in his second post, for «other reasons,» some relating to other aspects of church life and some with more secular intent, like the pursuit of an academic career.
Given that you've discussed a paradigm where the proper role is for «the State» (or a nation) to exist and make decisions in ruling itself and perhaps relating to other nations, but it must be operating with with «the Church» advising it; you say:
We asked three questions relating to Other - worldliness and found that such beliefs were strongly but not totally related to doctrinalism.
To advocate self - help, to argue that affirmative action can not be a long - run solution to the problem of racial inequality, to suggest that some of what is transpiring in black communities reflects a spiritual malaise, to note that fundamental change will require that individual lives be transformed in ways that governments are ill - suited to do, to urge that we must look to how black men and women are relating to each other, how parents are bringing up their children, that we have to ask ourselves what values inform the behavior of our youth» to do these things is not to take a partisan position, or vent some neoconservative ideological screed.
Words of T. S. Eliot from his 1934 play The Rock point to the power of receiving life and nurturing life within the context of relating to other human beings.
Mutuality may, in itself, be a new and strange experience for clergy who have become accustomed to relating to other people only through their clerical roles.
In the official communication from the Council of State, it is emphasized that «certain circumstances specific to the transaction may imply that they fall under provisions relating to other categories of income.»
Though González Franch doesn't yet have hard data, he sees a difference — not only in the ways his employees relate to each other, but in productivity.
The reason the job exists (including an explanation of job goals and how they relate to other positions in the company)
Finally, define how the job relates to other positions in the company.
They have a bunch of signals on the old computer and a bunch on the new computer and the two don't necessarily relate to each other.
It turns out that being a dominatrix is like having a robust human laboratory at your fingertips for understanding the nuances of how people relate to each other in different situations.
«You know I think the way we deal with the tax bill is by being honest about it, saying across time the very significant tax reductions for groups and parts of our economy that really weren't needed will hurt the fiscal condition of the country and put us in a bad position as it relates to other priorities we have,» Delaney said.
People who can relate to others and understand how they're feeling tend to be open to meeting new people and experiencing new things, all of which has positive effects on intelligence.
As you move forward, embrace relating to others with more curiosity and intent about those you serve.
Persuasive people show their own emotional commitments to the positions they advocate, and can also relate to others and their arguments.
Manipulation is morally questionable, but there's nothing morally questionable about your ability to relate to others.
«Instead, save those types of conversations for another time and use the easy - going atmosphere to make new connections and relate to others on a personal level.»
But it's worth taking a long, hard look at academia's daddy issues — to examine the simple structural bit of skeevyness at the heart of any academic's ability (or inability) to form a scholarly identity and relate to others.
The Danish company said it would pay 28.00 euros per share in cash for Ablynx and an additional 2.50 euros in a so - called contingent value right (CVR) if certain conditions related to other drugs in Ablynx's research portfolio were met.
The rise of constant connectivity and social media has changed how we work, relate to each other, shop, and have fun.
«It would require enormous transformation in how people relate to each other, what they expect of government, all kinds of things,» Buffett said.
The concern is justified; smartphones are changing how we relate to other human beings, so it's reasonable to worry about how they'll affect parenting.
Or they could be special holiday or anniversary celebrations that let employees relate to each other as people rather than only as colleagues.
It can upend the business models of companies that depend on it, or completely change the ways its individual users relate to each other — without them even realizing what has happened.
In a recent speech on Indigenous issues at the United Nations, for instance, Trudeau said to make progress First Nations must take «a hard look at how they define and govern themselves as nations and governments, and how they seek to relate to other orders of government.»
This structure provides a layer of protection for investors, as it helps insulate each investment from financial issues related to other investments or the parent company.
Once you have extracted keywords from your customers, think about how they are related to each other.
With the introduction of Hummingbird, Google is heading in the direction of Semantic Search by interpreting both the searcher's intent behind the keywords and their meaning when used on websites, and then how they are related to each other.
Talk from your heart — the more you do this, the more comfortable you become relating to others and speaking sincerely.
Take a look at the example FICO ® Scores report and you can see that it shows your FICO ® Scores in big bold numbers as well as a general indication of how your score relates to other U.S. consumers (poor to exceptional).
I would definitely recommend them if you want to get ahead or just learn who you are and how to relate to others better.
The State Journal reported this week that emails showed a conversation took place in June between Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce and WEDC officials related to other states luring Kraft Heinz facilities away from Wisconsin.
More than that, Google uses internal links on your site to understand what topics your site covers, how they relate to each other, and which is your most important content.
Search engines now understand that certain keywords are semantically related to each other.
Yes, they're related to each other.
That close attention means through a working group specifically focused on payments and settlements and on a research - oriented approach related to other market applications.
And it can be solved by increasing the security and trustworthiness of crypto spaces by the implementing the following methods: making the structures transparent, in order for merchants and partners to see the internal structures of a platform, which combines all of them and relate it to each other and to the science community.
The most notable adjustment was $ 2.3 billion (14 % of reported net assets) related to other comprehensive income.
This is accomplished by illustrating how to evaluate different investment vehicles and opportunities, showing how to obtain necessary information for effective decision making, and even informing investors how various investments relate to each other within the economic climate.
If you would search a little, you would figure out that to a large extent Islam and the «religion of the master race» (I mean the paganism of the German Nazis) are related to each other.
One paper puts them all about equally related to each other, two papers put wapiti a little closer to sitka than to red.
Also how does your view of faith relate to other people's faith?
It's a personal challenge to me to live out this question in how I relate to others — other real, broken people in their unique contexts.
To understand how BioLogos relates to other positions «in play» in our cultural conversation on origins, we have created the following categorical scheme into which most participants can be readily placed.
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