Sentences with phrase «relation of power»

Performance as conceptual art also features heavily in this exhibition with a particular focus on the investigation of social relations of power, gender, stereotype and history.
Men's voices still generally have a larger impact on society, not only because they speak more and are more assertive, but also because men are systematically advantaged in relations of power.
It is part of wider set of social interactions, themselves imbued with relations of power.
The essay discusses how artists and arts institutions both challenge and reinforce established relations of power, and the importance of critical reflexivity in the face of complex forms of domination in relation to the cultural capital in the wake of the 2016 American Presidential elections.
Women who already suffer from a lack of self - definition, and whose existence has already been undone by unjust relations of power, find themselves undone once again by the crucifying wrath of God.
This is the arena in which scripture deals most prototypically with the right relation of power and powerlessness.
We always understood decolonization is not a metaphor but a process of rearranging relations of power.
As art historian Noit Banai has noted, «In this extraordinarily precarious and plural historical moment, between the war's end and the advent of Socialist Realism as official cultural policy, Andrzej Wróblewski developed a language of radical corporality in which a subject's vulnerability to divergent relations of power was given tactile form.»
For this reason, Naomi Klein has called for solutions that go beyond the technological... We want to follow Klein's lead in shifting the conceptual focus from technologies of power to relations of power. . .
The narrative approach is also vitally interested in how broader social contexts and relations of power affect people's lives.
This ontological turn has opened up space for new ways of thinking about democracy, but in my view it has some troubling entailments too — it culminates in the effective detachment of political dynamics from social relations of power and results in the unvindicated privileging of the former over the latter.
How knowledge about disasters is reported can have more to do with relations of power than it does with the material consequences to people's lives.»
The essay discusses how artists and arts institutions both challenge and reinforce established relations of power, and the importance of critical reflexivity in the face of complex forms of domination.
Continuing their ongoing exploration of relations of power, as manifested in explicit cultural signifiers as well as clandestine or unconscious practices, Lovett / Codagnone proposed an impossible object, a tapered conjoined whip of hand - crafter black leather with self - obsolescing handles — one on each end.
Dr. Polk reconceives the basic question of the relation of power and goodness by asking what kind of power is appropriate to a loving God, rather than the traditional way of framing the issue as how can a powerful God also be a loving God.
basically in any society, there are manifold relations of power which permeate, characterise and constitute the social body, and these relations of power can not themselves be established, consolidated nor implemented without the production, accumulation, circulation and functioning of discourse.
Here, in the mid-fourteenth century, is the beginning of what we call today the «autonomy project»: the claim that human beings are radically autonomous, self - creating «selves,» whose primary relations to others are relations of power.
[1] In its conservative version, the alleged natural differences between the sexes justify existing inequalities and relations of power.
This view thus tends to justify existing inequalities and relations of power.
In a couple and inside the family, women are still very much disadvantaged because of the relations of power that prevail in these situations, as much as because of the discriminations they undergo elsewhere.
Therefore, women can use communication to improve their status only in so far as their discourse succeeds in impacting these relations of power.
In this essay Mill assails a system of inequality that supports and encourages the subjection of one individual by another and raises questions about the nature and relation of power and liberty.
Their work address issues of collective identity and relations of power in social structures focusing on the absorption of underground tactics of resistance.
The featured artists shed light on the relations of power that shape identity, perception, leadership, and action.
Anneè Olofsson's profound and uncanny work deal with complicated family relations and relations of power.
She has also explored the role of communication in the public sphere, engaging with the material mechanisms and relations of power that allow one to speak.
On the relationship between painting and politics, Nicky has said: «What I'm looking to express in my paintings are the relations of power.
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