Sentences with phrase «relation to one's goals»

You would have made your analysis better by showing us statistics regarding goals proportion of goals conceded from counter attacks in relation to goals conceded from other circumstances.
In a broader context we would understand that efficiency is to be measured in relation to some goal other than itself.
You must know not only what your ultimate goal is, but where you are in relation to that goal now.
We provide a comprehensive executive resume review that addresses that vital «first impression,» relevant content with relation to your goal, employment value and the overall influence of your presentation.
Track how your organization is doing in relation to these goals.
Well it's an easy way to monitor how Liverpool are doing in relation to their goals for the season.
After collaborating with the parent ~ we were able to get Joe to see the research process as important ~ particularly in relation to his goal of becoming a scientist.
Document financial status and success in relation to goals of the program.
Avakian asks» in BAsics, chapter six, verse eleven» why he and his work are so important and explains that communism can't be reached «without leadership» leadership that, in relation to this goal, embodies the most advanced understanding and methodology» and what is concentrated in this person, yes, but most fundamentally in the body of work and method and approach of Bob Avakian represents that leadership.»
Eros not only links the behavior of Smithtown Church to its identity, Eros also unfolds its action in relation to its goals.
Another skill he developed was «taking pictures in his head», to map out where he was in relation to the goal, his teammates and the opposition.
Actually, I emerged in ridiculously bad shape, but victorious in relation to my goal to push that kid out mahself.
There are only two things that truly matter in relation to any goal or dream you have.
Dr. Greenberg also indicates that the frequency of splurges can change depending on where you are in relation to your goal.
Your guidance in this critical analysis will become evident as your students become stronger information analysts who can distinguish fact from opinion, weigh information validity, and evaluate its worth in relation to their goals.
To name just a few: The learning environment needs to be one in which students feel respected and safe to take risks; kids need to feel that their learning has a purpose and that the curriculum is relevant to their lives; and students need feedback on their progress — they need to know what they're trying to accomplish, where they are in relation to the goal, and what they need to do in order to get there.
The UNESCO report outlines the successes, efforts made and persistent challenges in relation to each goal.
And, I'm thinking of data here as information that we gather, that those teachers and children actually gather about the learning that is taking place in relation to the goals that are set.
When students complete three assessments, a black trend line will indicate where students are in relation to their goals.
As the year unfolded, they continued to use formative assessments to track students» learning gains in relation to goals and practices they were trying.
The seven strategies described here are designed to help students better understand their learning goals, recognize their own skill level in relation to the goals, and take responsibility for reaching the goals.
Dorsey held team meetings twice a month in which teachers had frank conversations about where they were in relation to their goals, openly sharing both successes and failures.
The questions that guide their work in the Mills Teacher Scholars Leader Network are: How, as teacher leaders, can we use data to help our colleagues to more deeply understand the learning goals they have for their students and also understand how individual students think in relation to each goal?
The teacher's role also involves helping pupils develop the skills to make metacognitive judgments about their learning in relation to the goal being aimed for, and to establish a repertoire of strategies to regulate their own learning.
Just as the teacher is collecting evidence in relation to the goal, so too are the pupils through self - assessment, a separate, but complementary feedback process.
These should be designed to help you assess the opportunity in relation to your goals.
Employees should keep careful records of their accomplishments throughout the year, including paper files and emails that clearly show how they performed in relation to their goals, says Phil Rosenberg, the Chicago - based president of reCareered, an executive career coaching business.
Be sure to record your initial appointments each week and you'll know exactly where you are in relation to your goals.
It's the perfect time to pause, reflect and review how the year progressed in relation to the goals you made at the outset
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