Sentences with phrase «relation to the area»

I help people in relation to all areas of health as I take a holistic approach to wellness — physical, emotional and spiritual.
The court gave guidance in relation to the areas which require attention to ensure that the board enjoys, and is seen to enjoy, the required independence from the executive.
All these outcomes and risk factors were explored in relation to area deprivation, household income, and household socio - economic classification.
It remains to be seen how this judgment will influence developing regional strategies in relation to areas which are the subject of special habitats protection.
if native title exists or existed in relation to the area of land or waters covered by the application;
In the experience of Australian Principals, how well prepared are recent teacher graduates in relation to areas such as dealing with difficult student behaviour, making effective use of ICT, and subject content knowledge?
a regional work plan — setting out the priority given to each mediation being conducted by the tribunal in relation to areas within the state, territory or region.
As to the question of power, s 13 (1) of the Act provides that an application for a determination of native title may be made to the Court under Part 3 in relation to an area for which there is no approved determination of native title.
Our Regulatory team provide expertise in relation to that area of law comprising the rules and regulations set by various government agencies including the Health and Safety Executive, Local Authority Enforcement Teams, Food Standards Agency, Trading Standards Agency and the Serious Organized Crime Agency.
But where Duncan Smith has been disingenuous and evasive is in relation to the areas where he would cut in order to «balance the books» speedily, the objective he shares with the Chancellor.
Where ISWs have specialist knowledge and training they may be asked to provide assessments of parenting in relation to areas such as cultural issues, physical disability, learning disability, drug and alcohol misuse.
a regional mediation progress report — on the progress of all mediations conducted by the tribunal in relation to areas within the state, territory or region
Similar patterns were also seen in relation to area deprivation although the differences between those in the least and most deprived groups were not as large as in relation to household income (68 % compared with 54 % respectively).
the nature, extent and manner of exercise of the native title rights and interests in relation to the area;
«This will present a wonderful opportunity to provide women and men all ages with clarity on the choices and services available to them in relation to all areas of sexual health, including unintended pregnancy.
Information on the position of vessels in relation to areas of high fishing intensity and in the surrounding of ports is aggregated into a dependency index which represents the gravitation of coastal communities towards specific fishing grounds and other ports.
«We measured the mass of a given leaf in relation to its area, which tells us whether the leaf was a chunky, expensive one to make for the plant, or whether it was a more flimsy, cheap one,» Blonder explained.
The templates require teachers to report on progress in relation to the areas of development in the Primary Program by:
The main aim of writing an article review is to critically analyze an article, to point out its clarity and inconsistency as well as show its relevance in relation to an area of study.
It allows the power of his «shift» to be balanced extremely well in relation to the areas and enemies you encounter on each level.
They will also have the opportunity to look at climate change and GHG from a unique angle: they will discover that carbon emissions make up the largest component of the Ecological Footprint (globally and in most countries), and will start thinking of carbon emissions in relation to the area of forestland required to absorb them.
Lastly, the Court quite rightly dismissed the farfetched argument that the protocols giving the UK, Ireland and Denmark a bit of a special position in relation to the area of freedom, justice and security were relevant in determining the scope of article 207 TFEU.
Robert Finney's practice focuses primarily on financial services regulation issues, advising financial institutions and regulators, with significant experience in securities, derivatives and commodities, as well as in advising exchanges and other institutions on their activities in relation to these areas.
When you have been injured and want to seek compensation for your losses, you want an injury lawyer on your side who has a h3 reputation for success and excellence, and has experience in relation to the area of the law relevant to your case.
In addition to illustrating the thread and importance of law in relation to these areas, the GEI report assesses the law at different points in the automation cycle — from the developmental stage, when computerisation of an industry begins, to what workers may experience as AI becomes more prevalent, through to issues of responsibility when things go wrong.
The Group considers the tax risk associated with all material transactions or processes as and when these arise, and seeks to reduce the level of tax risk arising from its operations as far as is reasonably practicable by ensuring that reasonable care is exercised in relation to these areas.
Everyone who does contact the QualitySolicitors network of law firms is guaranteed the attention of an experienced employment law solicitor who can represent you in relation to all areas of job related legal topics that we've listed under the clear headings; «your new job», «problems at work» and «losing your job».
Another mechanism provided within the NTA is the Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) provisions, particularly those in relation to area agreements.50 Of particular relevance is section 24CB (c) that provides for ILUAs about «the relationship between native title rights and interests and other rights and interests in relation to the area»51 This section envisages native title as part of a range of interests that exist within a region.
A declaration under subsection 9 (1) or 10 (1) in relation to an area shall:
[29] Although this legislation is currently limited to the protection of physical heritage, and provides no mechanism to protect the secret and sacred knowledge relating to significant areas [30], the Minister has the power to make a declaration in relation to areas of significance to Indigenous peoples which are under threat.
The FCSIA (NTNER) Act amended the ALRA, inserting Part IIB (Statutory rights over buildings or infrastructure), 99 to provide for the acquisition (by the federal government, the Northern Territory, or one of their authorities) of extensive statutory rights in relation to areas of Aboriginal land designated as construction areas.
the relationship between the native title rights and interests in relation to the area and any other interest in relation to the area; and
the relationship between the native title rights and interests in relation to the area and the other interest in relation to the area (taking into account the effect of the Native Title Act); and
whether native title exists or existed in relation to the area of land or waters covered by the application;
A determination of native title is a decision of the Federal Court whether or not native title exists in relation to an area of land or waters.
native title determination application — for a determination of native title in relation to an area;
Non-claimant application means an application made by a person, who holds a non-native title interest in relation to an area, and is seeking a determination that native title does not exist in that area.
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