Sentences with phrase «relation to the game»

Politics is not a topic normally discussed in relation to game rating systems, but censorship of political content — mostly in the form of political symbols — is quite common.
Minor elements of the game, such as the automated turrets in some levels, mean you could argue for Portal 2 to be categorised as a first - person shooter, but the content bears so little relation to a game like Call of Duty it shows how essentially meaningless the definition is.
GW had trademarked the term in relation to games only.
I was hoping for a bit more relation to the game's WWII themes, perhaps more complex maps on a larger scale inviting more combat at a distance, but it just isn't there.
It seems silly to say in relation to a game where you can dress a female pink - haired protagonist in little more than a belt and some chaps, but this gimmicky announcement in particular just seems so... tacky.
This week, it explores embedded and player narrative in relation to games from Final Fantasy X to Minecraft.]
Instead of investing time to make a flurry of different modes (like Mario Power Tennis did), Nintendo invested time to make an array of unlockables — in relation to game size, almost as many unlockables and collectibles as Brawl.
In short, everything Playdek ever did on Unsung Story is being canned because what they were doing bore little relation to the game they advertised.
More so than complex games such as Armored Core, as at least the controls are consistent and logical in relation to the game's varied rule sets.
If there's one thing the gaming community hates it's real world advertising creeping into their game world space without any relation to the game their playing.
I see Project Natal with a camera that can sense where a person's body is in relation to the game and move accurately as the gamer moves and I think, «Why?»
Nothing is going to equal the dissonance of the original Dead Island trailer in relation to that game, but this campaign for State of Decay 2 sure doesn't match the goofy jank of an open - world sandbox.
«People looking back will probably be able to say: «this is the flavour that 343 added» in relation to the games that came before.
There's plenty of questions left to be answered in relation to the game, but perhaps the real question is that if BioWare will be able to deliver a game that detractors of Dragon Age 2 will feel has put the series back on track, though such people can rest assured that the developer has been looking closely at player feedback.
Especially fascinating in their citing of the studio, Imaginary Friends, in relation to the game's mecha design.
The UK's Office of Fair Trading recently outlined principles clarifying the interpretation of consumer protection laws in relation to games and in - app purchases.
Finally, HMV gets the soundtrack of the game, as well as The Tesseract, a book written by the Enslaved co-writer Alex Garland that otherwise has no relation to the game.
Australia has always been known for having one of the more strict review boards when it comes to censorship, especially in relation to games.
This time around Nintendo did a much better job making the motion controls intuitive and responsive, so you get some really precise readings from the movement of the Joy - Cons in relation to the game.
However, if you spent 10 minutes making jokes about Kanye West in relation to the game you're playing, then you should be fine.
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